Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Police shed more light on baby death, "allegedly" at the hands of her dad (Poughkeepsie, New York)

We reported on dad WILLIAM TATE JR. yesterday. As is often the case, the dad was alone with his 3-month-old daughter when she "suffered repeated blunt force trauma resulting in rib fracture, swelling of the brain, multiple contusions, and internal injuries including avulsion of the bowel from the stomach." She later died at the hospital. Unless we can concoct some story about mysterious guys breaking into the house and beating the baby, it sure sounds like Daddy's responsible.


Police shed more light on baby death, allegedly at the hands of her dad

POUGHKEEPSIE – The Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office shed more light on the death of three-month-old Reese Tate, who died as the result of blunt force trauma causing extensive internal injuries.

Her father, William Tate, Jr., 29, of Wassaic, has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with the baby’s death last Thursday, February 4. The injuries were inflicted the day before.

Deputy T.J. Hanlon said, Monday, that Tate was alone with the child and when her mother came home.

“The baby’s mother brought Reese to the hospital. She came home, aw that the baby was having some breathing troubles and brought the baby to Sharon, (CT) Hospital,” he said.

According to the felony complaint filed in court, the baby suffered “repeated blunt force trauma resulting in rib fracture, swelling of the brain, multiple contusions and internal injuries including avulsion of the bowel from the stomach.”

Tate is being held in the Dutchess County Jail without bail.