Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dad on trial for attempted murder of 1-year-old son (Murfreesboro, Tennessee)

Daddy GLENN "BUBBA" CLIMER is some piece of work. In addition to being charged with attempted murder of the baby, this fine specimen of southern manhood is also charged with assaulting a police officer and other stuff. Charming. Daddy drama at its finest.

Woman says estranged boyfriend tried to kill infant

7:31 AM, May. 2, 2012

MURFREESBORO — The mother of the infant who police believe would have been killed outside a local hospital in November if not for intervention by authorities took the stand Tuesday to testify for the state at her estranged boyfriend’s attempted murder trial.

Tiffany Carpetenter took the stand Tuesday in the second-degree murder trial of Glenn “Bubba” Climer, Jr, which is being held in Rutherford County Circuit Court Judge David Bragg’s courtroom at County Judicial Building on Murfreesboro Public Square in front of nine men and five women jurors, including two alternates.

Climer is accused by Murfreesboro Police of attempting to break his one-year-old baby’s neck by twisting his head outside Middle Tennessee Medical Center Nov. 28, 2011 when confronted by MTMC security and two MPD officers about a bruise around the infant’s eye. Climer denies he ever hurt the child or intended to hurt the child.

Carpenter testified she was living with Climer Nov. 28, the day of the incident, and the two were arguing that day over the infant’s paternity. The infant’s mother said Climer had unfounded suspicions that day that his brother was actually the father of their one-year-old.

“I told him he was acting silly and that he knew the baby was his,” she testified.

Carpenter said she decided to leave during the argument, which was growing more volatile by the moment, by climbing out of a bedroom of Climer’s home.

She said she decided to climb out the window of a bedroom at the home instead of leaving out a door after she heard Climer pull a knife out of a drawer inside his kitchen. She had earlier dead-bolted the lock on the bedroom door, and was certain Climer would not let her leave easily.

Assistant District Attorney Laurel Hemenway asked Carpenter—who is currently pregnant with Climer’s second child—if she was in fear when she fled the home, and she replied that she wasn’t, and instead just “felt if I got away things would calm down.”

Carpenter said she called Climer’s mother after getting away from the home that day, and had not seen Climer since. When she left, her son was still at the home with Climer. She added that when she left the infant, he had no bruising around his eye.

Climer was arrested later that same day by Murfreesboro Police outside MTMC and charged with the attempted murder, along with attempted aggravated child abuse, child abuse, resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer.

Their child was placed into state custody that same day, according to police.

Carpenter later found out Climer had been arrested and heard on the news that he had accused her of harming the infant, she testified. When she later spoke to him in jail, with Department of Children’s Services personnel present, she said Climer told her he never said that. He instead claimed the infant had fallen off a bed at his home.

The mother told jurors the infant had indeed fallen off the bed a day earlier, but the “bed” was just a mattress on the floor, and that she didn’t believe that was cause of the infant’s injuries.

When asked by Hemenway how she believed the baby was injured, Carpenter said she was not present during the alleged incident at MTMC, but added she didn’t believe Climer was capable of hurting his children.

Hemenway asked Carpenter if she had talked to Climer about continuing their relationship recently. She said they had about two weeks ago, adding that she still loved Climer.

One of two Middle Tennessee Medical Center security officers who were present the day of the incident also testified at the first day of Climer’s trial on Tuesday.

George Dyer testified he responded to the exterior of the MTMC ER Nov. 28 in reference to Climer’s erratic behavior.

Dyer, who is certified to carry a firearm while working, said when he first arrived outside the ER in his personal vehicle that “cold and rainy” November day, he saw Climer carrying the infant and trying to break into multiple vehicles.

With another security officer and two police officers on scene minutes later, Climer made his way inside a vehicle outside the MTMC ER entrance and jumped inside with the infant, threatening to break the child’s neck and holding the child’s chin in what authorities perceived as a threatening manner.

Dyer testified he gave Climer to the count of the three to let the child go, and when Climer failed to comply, he hit Climer in the neck area as other police wrestled the baby away from the father and took him to the ground.

Climer’s trial is set to resume this morning at 8:30 a.m.

Climer’s trial is expected to last through Thursday.