Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dad jailed for one year for child porn involving 4-year-old son (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada)

UNNAMED DAD gets just one stinking year for making child porn involving his 4-year-old son, and posting it on the internet? And this guy is (at least) a two-time loser! Was there a mother in this home? Sure doesn't sound like it.


Father jailed one year for child porn

KITCHENER — A father who posted child pornography involving his four-year-old son on the internet was sentenced to one year in jail Monday.

The 28-year-old man, who can’t be named by court order, pleaded guilty in March to making child pornography and sexual interference related to touching a five-year-old girl he was babysitting.

Justice Michael Epstein commented on the “frank discussion” that occurred on the internet regarding sexual acts with the man’s son in October, 2011.

“The writings were disgusting,” the judge said.

At the time, the man was on bail for touching the genitals of a girl he was babysitting in December 2010. She told him to stop and he warned her not to tell anyone, but she reported it to another caregiver.

The judge called the incidents “most troubling. The man has significant issues with sexual boundaries.”

“There may be evidence he’s a pedophile,’’ the judge continued. “But he must learn to control his impulses’’ so no other children are harmed.

The one-year sentence proposed by the Crown and defence was “at the very low end of a range that might be appropriate,” the judge said. “Left on my own, I might well have imposed a greater sentence.’’

However, he acknowledged the man deserves credit for his plea which spared a five-year-old girl from having to testify and her mother “having to re-live the agony of learning about this.’’

Without his plea, it might have been hard to prove his guilt, the judge said.

He is prohibited for life from going places frequented by children, such as parks, day-care centres and swimming pools.

He cannot use the internet to contact anyone 16 or under, or be with anyone under 16 unless accompanied by an adult.