Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dad charged with felony battery involving 5-year-old son; is this a single father? (Baxter County, Arkansas)

Is DAVID DEWAYNE SUTTERFIELD a single father? Notice that there is no mention of a mother in the home, and that the reporter only mentions "another person" in the home. If this is Mom, why not say so? In addition, if this were Mom, then wouldn't she be held responsible for "allowing" the abuse by not contacting the authorities?

Once again, the media tiptoes around the fact that many child abuse stories involve fathers and "missing" mothers. And with a father who is this volatile and violent, you have to wonder how and/or why the mother has apparently been eliminated from the picture.

Baxter Co. man charged with child abuse

THV 11 Staff, news source

5:36 a.m. CDT July 31, 2014

BAXTER CO., Ark. (KTHV) – A rural Mountain Home man is being charged with felony battery on a child. The Baxter County Sheriff's Office got a complaint from the child's grandmother July 28 who said she picked up the child to spend the night and noticed the 5-year-old boy had bruises on his face and neck.

The suspect is the child's father, David Dewayne Sutterfield, denied causing the injuries, however the Sheriff's Office said he gave several different versions of what caused them.

Another person in the home told the Sheriff's Office they witnessed Sutterfield grabbing the child's face in a way that would have caused the injuries as well as shoving and hitting the child.

Sutterfield was arrested and booked on a charge of second degree battery. He is being held on $25,000 bond.

Dad arrested for assaulting 17-year-old son who protected mom from dad's attack (Stockton, California)

It is not uncommon for batterers to attack the kids for trying to defend the mother. This happens even with little kids.

Dad is identified as ABDUL ATTIE.

Man arrested on assault, child abuse charges after family dispute

By The Record
July 30, 2014 11:00 AM

STOCKTON – A family dispute spilled out onto the streets of northwest Stockton late Tuesday night, causing a serious vehicle accident and resulting in a father being arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and child abuse, police reported.

Sometime before 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, a 17-year-old boy attempted to break up an argument between his father and mother when the father, identified as Abdul Attie, 38, struck his son. The son left the house but when he returned later to retrieve his belongings, Attie tired to attack him again, according to a report.

The son fled in his vehicle, and Attie pursued him in another vehicle. He eventually rammed his son’s vehicle, forcing it to overturn on Lower Sacramento Road near Ponce De Leon Drive around 11:34 p.m. Attie then ran up to his son’s vehicle and began attacking his son again until other family members arrived and pulled him back, according to police.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dad leaves 4-month-old son at home alone during his visitation; sentenced to 10 years for baby's death (San Antonio, Texas)

Daddy has hired a babysitter before--why didn't he this time? And why should a father have out-of-town weekend visitation with a 4-month old? That's just stupid. 

So this moron abandons the baby for two hours and finds the baby "unresponsive" when he gets home. Instead of calling 911 immediately, he tries CPR himself--and get this--asks the usual babysitter to lie for him and say she had been watching the kids all day.

Dad is identified as NICHOLAS ANTHONY CLIFTON.

Dad gets prison for infant who died while home alone

By Michelle Casady : July 29, 2014 : Updated: July 29, 2014 11:23pm

SAN ANTONIO — A father who left his infant son and 2-year-old daughter at home alone while he went to a job interview — returning later to find the boy dead — has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

State District Judge Sid Harle had the option Monday of sentencing Nicholas Anthony Clifton to up to 15 years in prison, according to a plea agreement in which he pleaded no contest to the second-degree felony charge of child abandonment.

Without the agreement, Clifton, 24, would have faced up to 20 years in prison for the death of 4-month-old Jeremiah Omar Young in April 2012.

Clifton, who served with the Army in San Antonio, was discharged from the military in February 2012 after an injury. He traveled to East Texas that month to pick up his children from his estranged wife, according to court records.

A woman he had befriended in the Army told police that she had watched the children for him on occasion but that on April 16, 2012, she got a call from Clifton's girlfriend asking if she could pick up his daughter because his son had stopped breathing.

She agreed. Minutes later, the girlfriend forwarded her a text from Clifton, court records state, asking her to tell the police she had baby-sat the children that day.

At the scene, Clifton initially told police he left the boy napping on the couch while he went upstairs to clean, according to court files. But he later confessed that he had left for two hours to interview at a resort, authorities said. He told police he didn't tell the truth initially “because he didn't want (Child Protective Services) to take his kids away.”

He told police he returned home to find the unresponsive boy, who was blue, clutching a blanket in his hand. He attempted CPR before calling police. An autopsy report listed the child's cause of death as undetermined and noted no signs of trauma.

Mom was afraid that abusive, controlling father would strip her of child custody if she left; instead he slaughtered the whole family (Maine)

Sadly, this is a typical family annihilation scenario. A control freak abuser father who insisted on total power over his wife and kids. Notice the mother's concerns about losing custody of her children if she were to leave this creep. This is a very common threat with these guys.

Dad is identified as JOEL SMITH.

New details emerge in Saco murder-suicide: ‘She was afraid of him’

Heather Smith’s sister-in-law describes a marriage fraught with difficulties, including alcoholism, financial problems and controlling behavior.

By Matt Byrne Staff Writer

Heather Smith was afraid of her husband and frightened that he would take custody of their children if she ended their relationship, a family member said Tuesday.

The relationship of Heather and Joel Smith, whose bodies were found Sunday in Saco along with those of their three children in a murder-suicide, was complex and fraught with difficulties, said Jennifer Montez, Heather Smith’s sister-in-law.

Montez said that since Heather and Joel Smith began dating, he had a tendency to control the relationship, a habit that intensified when the couple married in 2010 and had two children together. Montez, 36, of Laveen, Arizona, is married to Heather Smith’s brother and described how she and other relatives would receive panicked, late-night phone calls from her sister-in-law.

“She was afraid of him,” Montez said. “And she was afraid of losing her children. So she actually sacrificed her happiness and her life because she was not willing to be a part-time mom, she wasn’t willing to see her kids only once every three weeks.”

There were other demons that plagued the couple, factors that Montez said contributed to the family’s strife.

“I’m not going to lie, they were both alcoholics,” Montez said. “That’s where some of the money problems happened.”

Montez, in a nearly hour-long interview with the Portland Press Herald, disputed the assertion that her sister-in-law was a drug addict, and that allegations of her opioid use only emerged about two weeks before the couple’s death. For the majority of their relationship, Montez said, Heather Smith maintained the family’s only stable income while her husband sought construction work in Arizona, and later in Maine, often only securing sporadic employment.

Much of their disharmony, and Heather Smith’s fear, centered on the raising of their three children, Montez said.

Heather’s oldest son, Jason Montez, 12, was born in Arizona before Joel and Heather met; his biological father has never been in the picture. During that time, Heather lived with her mother, who cared for Jason when Heather worked.

When Heather and Joel got together, they moved into an apartment within a matter of months, according to Montez.

The Montez clan, with several branches of the family within about a 30-minute drive of one another in cities around Phoenix, stayed in close touch. Poolside barbecues and extended family meals were at least weekly occurrences. Everyone knew what was going on with everyone else.

At first, the family thought Joel was good for Heather, and that she seemed happy. The families started to get to know each other when Heather announced in 2007 that she was expecting a child with Joel. They named him Noah, who was 7 at the time of his death.

When the baby was born, the Montez family tried to welcome Joel into the fold, but he was distrustful, Montez said.

He restricted the family’s access to Noah, asserting more control than he did with Jason, who was raised with help from the extended Montez family before Joel met Heather, Montez said.

Visits with Noah were allowed only at Heather’s and Joel’s home; family members were not allowed to take him overnight, or for day trips or car rides. Heather also was noticeably absent from holiday gatherings and family parties.

He said he was a better parent than her, even though she already had a child and he didn’t,” Montez said. “If we bought (their children) a toy and he didn’t like it, they couldn’t play with it.”

Although he was holding three jobs in the days before he used a 12-gauge shotgun to kill his wife and their children July 26, Joel struggled to maintain steady employment, and it was on Heather’s steady income that the family often scraped by, Montez said.

“Unfortunately, they continued their relationship and had another child, even though they had so much turmoil,” she said.

Montez believes the couple’s move to New England was spurred by a 2009 vacation to see Joel’s father, who lives in Maine. It was a rare getaway from parenthood, Montez said – Jason stayed with Joel’s mother.

“We were not allowed to have him,” she said.

The visit was recorded in an album of Facebook photos, in which a pregnant Heather posed for pictures in Old Orchard Beach with her husband, and at an arcade. It was fall, and the leaves were turning brilliant shades of red and orange. When they came back to Arizona, Montez said, the idea to move to Maine percolated.

“They kept talking about it, ‘We’re thinking about moving there,’ ” Montez recalled. “I said, ‘Your problems are going to follow you.’

“ In hindsight, Montez believes the move to New England was designed to cut Heather off from the support network and familiarity of Arizona.

“He moved her to Maine to isolate her so she would feel she had no resources and would feel trapped,” Montez said. “He isolated her from all her family and all her friends.”

Once they settled in Saco, Heather found a position in a doctor’s office and Joel again sought work in construction.

Both parents were drinking heavily every night, and the stress began to affect Heather’s work performance, Montez said. Heather was getting in trouble, and managers gave her fewer hours. Then she lost the job.

When she was fired less than a year ago, Joel found positions as a handyman for the RiverView Apartments complex where they lived, at a separate apartment building, and working part time at Target.

The Montez family knew Heather and Joel were struggling. The couple asked to borrow money from family members. Heather, who was unhappy in the relationship, told Montez that she felt powerless to escape, despite repeated offers by her family to help her do just that.

Early in 2014, she told Montez about a plan to use a portion of the couple’s forthcoming tax return to take her children and get an apartment for herself.

The time came, the money arrived, but Heather’s plan never materialized.

The last time Montez heard news of her sister-in-law was July 15, when Joel called Montez’s husband to tell them that Heather was checked into a hospital because she was apparently in withdrawal from opioid use.

The family was alarmed, but Joel sounded calm, Montez said. He told them he had taken the children to his father’s house, and removed his guns from the residence. He took Heather to the hospital, and was looking for rehabilitation facilities where she could get clean.

Montez tried to help, looking up names of clinics in the area, but couldn’t get in touch with her brother-in-law.

Two weeks later, Montez learned they were all dead.

Dad convicted of felony child abuse for sticking his finger down the throat of 3-month-old daughter (James City, Virginia)

Dad is identified as ROBERT EARL HAAS IV.,0,6705205.story

James City father convicted for child abuse

By Susan Robertson, The Virginia Gazette 7:21 p.m. EDT, July 29, 2014

WILLIAMSBURG — A James City man whom police say stuck his finger down his baby's throat in February was convicted Tuesday on a felony child abuse charge.

After more than two hours of deliberation. the jury of nine women and three men found Robert Earl Haas IV, 27, guilty on the sole felony count. The members returned a sentencing recommendation of 21/2 years in prison and a $1,000 fine less than 15 minutes later.

Over the course of the nearly eight hour trial, defense attorney Patrick Bales argued the Feb. 8 incident was a first-aid attempt gone wrong. He said at closing that Haas had "perfect intentions and imperfect actions" when he believed his daughter was choking. Haas did not testify.

Maureen Kufro, assistant commonwealth's attorney, told the court that as the 3-month-old girl cried out for comfort, Haas responded by "shoving his finger down her throat." She recounted witness testimony that Haas told the child's mother not to call 911 when the girl was coughing up blood, and did not tell anyone until days after the incident that he had stuck his fingers down the baby's throat.

"If help is what he was trying to give her," Kufro said, "help is what he would have tried to get her."

Danny Hunt, the child's mother, testified on the day of the incident that her daughter was napping on the bed while she took a shower. She said she asked Haas to take their little girl into the living room while she got ready for work. "

After a minute or two, I heard her start to cough," she said.

As Hunt got to the living room she saw her daughter in Haas's arms coughing up blood, according to her testimony. She said Haas told her not to call 911, noting his tone was angry, but she called anyway.

Amber Hallman, a paramedic in James City, testified that when the ambulance arrived she found a man standing outside of the apartment building smoking a cigarette. She said Haas told her the baby was upstairs, describing his demeanor as "nonchalant."

She told the court the baby had dried blood on her forehead, around her lips and inside her mouth. She added that, when laid back, the baby's breathing became labored.

Kufro questioned Hallman about what steps to take if it's believed a baby is choking. Hallman said at no point would you stick a finger down a child's throat is appropriate action.

Haas didn't say anything about why the baby was coughing blood until the couple arrived at the hospital, according to Hunt. Bales asserted that because Haas went downstairs to wait for paramedics then drove separately to the hospital that he did not have an opportunity to tell Hunt what happened.

Kufro said paramedics were at the apartment for seven minutes and during that time Haas did not what caused the baby to begin coughing up blood.

Hunt said Haas told her at the hospital he thought their daughter was choking on something and tried to clear her airway, according to Hunt's testimony. She added that he told her the baby was bleeding before he attempted to clear the child's airway.

Kristin Ashe, a registered nurse at Sentara Williamburg Regional Medical Center, said she was assigned as the baby's primary nurse Feb. 8 when she arrived at the hospital. She said the baby was making gurgling sounds and needed her throat suctioned about every 15 minutes.

The child's mother and father, whom she identified as Haas, were present, Ashe said. Ashe recalled the mother was tearful when the baby was transferred to Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters in Norfolk, but Haas was unemotional.

Hunt said that at the time of the transfer, there was still no indication of what had caused the bleeding.

Dr. Norrell Atkinson, a former child abuse pediatrician at CHKD who was qualified as an expert in court, said she saw the 3-month-old girl Feb. 9 after she was transferred. She said the baby presented as unstable in the emergency room and began developing a fever during her first night there.

A diagnostic procedure, in which the baby's throat was "scoped" with a small camera, revealed the root cause of the bleeding as a 11/2 centimeter laceration to the throat muscle, Atkinson said, calling it a significant injury. She said the injury was the result of blunt force trauma to the back of the throat.

Atkinson explained that the injury was significant because the throat muscle has to be tough enough to protect people from sharp things that inadvertently swallow, such as bones. Asked by Kufro if the baby could have inflicted those injuries on herself, Atkinson said "absolutely not."

Hunt told the court that while at CHKD Haas became nervous, saying to her, "it's all my fault." She said he later admitted he thought the girl was choking and stuck his finger down her throat. Hunt noted she then told her daughter's doctor.

Asked by Kufro if it was days later that Haas was crying and "torn up" over what had happened, Hunt said yes.

Tina Sawyer with James City County Social Services said on Feb. 11 Haas recounted the incident, remarking he felt the baby was choking.

She testified he told her he stuck his finger down the little girl's throat to induce vomiting. Haas told her he felt a round, "plasticy" object in the baby's throat, Sawyer said. She said when he was asked by a police officer if the motion was forceful, Haas said yes.

He later said he was attempted to perform a "finger swipe" to clear the blockage, Sawyer said. She added that Haas stated sticking his finger down the baby's throat is what caused her to bleed.

Haas will be formally sentenced in October.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dad assaults 4-month-old daughter during her first overnight visit; dad was "estranged" from baby's mother (United Kingdom)

Notice that Daddy didn't just shake the baby. He fractured her skull, causing a brain injury and possible visual/developmental disabilities.

Not clarified here whether this "totally ill equipped" father had overnight visitation by court order or through the mother's discretion. But given that the couple is "estranged" it doesn't appear this was totally out of Mum's free will.

Dad is identified as NATHAN SMITH.

Wolverhampton father jailed for dropping baby

A short-fused father who "recklessly shook" his four-month-old daughter, fracturing her skull and causing a bleed on the brain, has been jailed for 18 months.

Nathan Smith injured the child, who is now likely to be short-sighted and face possible learning difficulties, on the first night he was left alone with her.

The 24 year old had a "short fuse" and was "totally ill equipped to deal with the pressures a baby brings", Wolverhampton Crown Court heard yesterday.

Mr Jonathon Barker, prosecuting, said Smith, from Russell Close, Ashmore Park, dropped the child on her head during feeding while "tired and frustrated" after a sleepless night. He then panicked when the baby appeared lifeless after the fall and shook her both up and down and from side to side for around 30 seconds in a bid to revive her.

The court heard how he lied to doctors treating the little girl in hospital, claiming she had banged her head on a car seat.

Smith also sent a text message to the baby's mother, from whom he is estranged, begging her to take over but she was unable to because she had no transport. The message, which was sent at 6.57am, read: "I can't take the baby no more. I am tired, man. She won't shut up."

Smith admitted causing grievous bodily harm to his daughter on August 15, 2012, and was sent to prison by Judge Robin Onions.

"He was totally ill equipped to deal with the pressures a baby brings," the judge said. "Having children is a great gift but can be demanding. It is clear that the child fell from your arms and struck her head because you were not holding her with sufficient care. She clearly hurt herself badly and, in your panic, you shook her in such a way as to create further injury.

"People cannot treat babies like this and expect not to be sent into custody."

Mr Jon Roe, defending, Smith was taken into care when he was one had lived at more than 100 different addresses during his childhood.

He added: "This was the result of reckless handling of the baby compounded by reckless shaking. He has tried and failed to come to terms with his actions.

"It was the first time the baby had stayed overnight with him. He was tired and having difficulties coping.

"He knows the importance of a father in a child's life and wants to re-establish himself with her although he realises this will be a slow laborious process."

Judge Onions said he was reducing the sentence because of the "unacceptable" delay in bringing the case to court and the part played in the defendant's loss of control by his difficult upbringing.

Single dad faces abuse charges after 3-year-old son found 10 blocks from home in the middle of the night; child now in foster care--what happened to Mom? (Longmont, Colorado)

This fine paternal specimen is obviously a single father, as there is no mention of a mother in the home or elsewhere. In addition, the boy is now in foster care, suggesting that the mother has somehow been eliminated from the picture. So how did this idiot get custody? Who gave it to him? And what happened to Mom? Once again, notice all the holes in the story.

Dad is identified as ANGELO FERNANDEZ.

Father facing abuse charges after boy, three, wandered TEN blocks on his own after letting himself out of his house at 2am only to be found by 12-year-old

Toddler wandered ten blocks from his house in early hours of the morning
Was found by a 12-year-old who heard his voice outside front door
Father Angelo Fernandez allegedly refused to then go pick up his son
Is now facing child abuse charges while the little boy is in foster care

By Jennifer Newton Published: 10:41 EST, 28 July 2014 | Updated: 12:35 EST, 28 July 2014

A father is facing charges of child abuse after his three-year-old son was found wandering the streets in the early hours of the morning.

The little boy was only found in Longmont, Colarado when he turned up on the doorstep of a house ten blocks away and was spotted by 12-year-old Rocklynn Moldonado.

The police were called and started to track down his parents, but it is alleged when officers knocked on the door of his father, Angelo Fernandez, he refused to answer and wouldn't go and collect the boy.

It is thought the toddler had wandered off from his home around 2.30 am on Friday morning and walked ten blocks by himself, wearing no shirt or shoes, just a pair of shorts.

It wasn't until Miss Moldonado heard a jiggling noise at the front door that she went to investigate and heard a voice at the other side.

She then found the boy, who was asking where his father was and crying.

It then took Longmont Police several hours to identify the boy and in turn track down his father Mr Fernandez.

After he allegedly refused to answer the door or collect his son, he eventually went to the police station.

But Mr Fernandez refutes the police's version of events saying he was the one that called them to report his son missing.

He told 7News Denver: 'I woke up and found my son had unlocked the door and left in the middle of the night while we were sleeping.

'I took off, running around looking for him.'

Mr Fernandez has now been arrested for child abuse and the little boy has been placed in foster care.

"Caretaking" dad murders 2-year-old daughter for interrupting his video game while Mom was at work (Galveston, Texas)

Yet another useless piece of trash who apparently doesn't work and plays video games all day--except when he's viciously attacking a 2-year-old. The poor mother was working to support his lazy @$$, while Daddy couldn't even bother to get medical help.

Frankly, I'd like to see a new WPA program that puts goons like this to work building roads and fences and such. They have all this strength that they currently use to kill children--let's put it to good use!. And let moms stay home if they wish.


Southeast Texas man sentenced to 35 years in death of infant daughter, girl shaken

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS July 29, 2014 - 7:55 am EDT

GALVESTON, Texas — A Southeast Texas man has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for the death of his 2-month-old daughter after he shook her and fell on her.

Christopher Morgan Benson of League City pleaded guilty to murder in a plea deal Monday in Galveston. Lola Glover died in 2012.

Benson was charged with injury to a child. The count was later upgraded to murder.

The Galveston County Daily News ( ) reports the 28-year-old father told police that Lola was crying as he played video games. An affidavit says Benson shook the baby for about 10 minutes, panicked when she became unresponsive and "fell" on her with his full weight.

The mother discovered the injured baby after returning from work. Lola was taken to a hospital and died a week later.

Dad gets 30 years for murder of newborn son (Baltimore, Maryland)

Yet another short-tempered moron who beat a baby to death for crying. Daddy is identified as DION WARE.!bp0tTa

Man sentenced in newborn son's death

Dion Ware sentenced to 30 years in prison

Published 3:58 PM EDT Jul 28, 2014 BALTIMORE —A man convicted in connection with the death of his newborn son was sentenced to 30 years in prison, according to Baltimore prosecutors.

In April, the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office said a jury convicted Dion Ware, 22, of child abuse resulting in death. The jury could not reach a consensus on the charge of second-degree murder.

Prosecutors said Ware first claimed he was giving CPR to his child when he noticed his 6-week-old son was having trouble breathing on Nov. 26, 2012. He said he realized he was pushing too hard on the child during CPR so he ran out into the street to have someone call 911.

The child was taken to Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Prosecutors said doctors found severe bruising to the right side of the child's face and chest, as well as multiple fractured ribs. Based upon the multiple injuries the medical examiner ruled the death a homicide.

Prosecutors said Ware later admitted to hitting his son because the child would not stop crying.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Dad with "shared custody" suspected of abusing 7-week-old son during his parenting time; baby has six fractured ribs (Lorain, Ohio)

It is INSANE for newborns to be in joint custody. This kind of abuse is far more common when the baby is traded back and forth.

Nice how the doctors are trying to blame Mom for their stupidity and incompetence....

Police investigating after 7-week-old infant injured

Filed on July 26, 2014

by Melissa Linebrink

LORAIN — A 7-week-old baby boy sustained six fractured ribs on the left side of his body, causing police to investigate the cause.

At about 5:21 p.m. Thursday, the mother took the baby to Mercy Regional Medical Center, where officers were then dispatched for a possible child abuse case.

Officers learned that the infant he been crying a lot in recent days when the mother would hold him.

However, the mother took the infant to the hospital two days prior because he was “fussy.” The hospital advised the mother that he had a diaper rash.

“The child was still being abnormally fussy when she held him after the first visit to the hospital so she brought him in again,” the report stated.

The woman advised that she and the baby’s father share custody, but the father does not live with them.

Officers then spoke with the infant’s father, who stated two days ago when he was holding his son he would “begin to cry very loudly” and attempt to “squirm away.”

The father said he had no idea what originally caused the injury.

Officers questioned the mother as to why she did not notify hospital staff of the possible rib injury two days prior, and she told officers “she mentioned the area, but did not specifically mention the side rib as possibly being injured.”

Lorain County Children Services were contacted to assist.

The infant was transported to UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital .

The case remains under investigation.

Sentencing for dad who abducted two kids during his court-ordered visitation; kids went four years with no school, medical care (Winnipeg, Canada)

These guys are not motivated out of love or a desire to spend time with their kids. It's all about punishing Mom. Notice that dad KEVIN MARYK seriously neglected these kids. Other accounts have mentioned rampant drug abuse and trafficking.

Sentencing in child-abduction trial could be broadcast

By: Mike McIntyre

Posted: 1:15 PM

The sentencing hearing for a Winnipeg man who abducted his two children and hid them in Mexico for four years may have a much larger audience when it concludes next month.

Kevin Maryk will return to court on Aug. 22 to learn his fate after pleading guilty to one of the province's most notorious missing-persons case.

An application has been made for a live broadcast of the proceedings under a new judicial pilot project. If granted by the judge, the resolution can be seen by anyone with computer access.

Crown and defence lawyers spent a full day making submissions last month, but adjourned the case after being unable to agree on certain factual points.

The Crown is expected to call a further witness to testify before provincial court Judge Ted Lismer gives his decision.

The Crown is seeking a five-year prison sentence, which is half the 10-year maximum for abduction. Maryk is asking for 25 months of time served in custody and an immediate return to the community.

Dominic Maryk, 13, and Abby Maryk, 11, vanished while on a court-authorized visitation with their father in August 2008.

They weren't located until May 2012 in Guadalajara.

The children were kept in what the Crown has called "deplorable" conditions, which included having no access to schools, medical care or even friends.

Dad charged with aggravated battery for breaking leg of 1-year-old daughter (Joliet, Illinois)

Daddy "allegedly" picked up the baby and swung her over his shoulder with one arm. What a freaking moron. (Actually spiral fractures like this one are nearly always caused by male caretakers.)

Notice the vague reporting. We're not told WHO initially said that that mother fell on the baby. Was that Dad lying his @$$ off? Mom blaming herself so as to avoid violence directed at her by the father?

Dad is identified as MARTN SILVA.

Joliet father accused of breaking 1-year-old's leg

Published: Monday, July 28, 2014 12:56 p.m. CDT


JOLIET - Police say a father broke his 1-year-old daughter's leg when he was left alone with her earlier this month.

Martin Silva, 29, of the 100 block of Sesser Street, was arrested Friday on charges of aggravated battery to a child, domestic battery, reckless conduct and endangering the life or health of a child. He is being held in the Will County jail on $50,000 bond.

Lt. Brian Dupuis said police were called July 19 to Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox to take a report of suspicious injuries to the infant. The girl had suffered a spiral fracture to her femur, Dupuis said.

"They were told the child's mother had been carrying her and fell on the girl," Dupuis said. But when a detective went for another interview with the family Friday, a different story came to light, he said.

About 12:45 p.m. on July 18, the mother left Silva to care for the baby while she was at the residence next door. She returned five minutes later to find her daughter crying intensely, Dupuis said.

"Silva (had) picked her up and swung her over his shoulder by one arm. It was not an accidental injury," Dupuis said.

The baby has also been turned over to the custody of another relative, Dupuis said.

Records show Silva has been jailed four times on traffic violations in Will County during the last three years.

Investigation ongoing after 4-year-old boy found unconscious in home of dad, girlfriend; is this a custodial dad? (Port Huron, Michigan)

Yet another case that's interesting for what is NOT said.

Why was this boy in this home to begin with? Did UNNAMED DAD have full custody? Joint custody? Visitation? What?

And if Dad can't or won't take care of him, why is he being dumped on the unnamed babysitter/girlfriend? Is this a case of dodging child support? Punishing the mom? What?

These other children that were taken by CPS--are they the father's also? The "babysitter's"? Or do they belong to both?

What happened to the mother of this little boy?

Why does the media not bother to explain these things?

Investigation ongoing after Port Huron boy, 4, found unconscious

Jul. 28, 2014 3:11 PM
Written by Times Herald

Police say an investigation is ongoing after a 4-year-old boy was found unconscious Friday at a home in the 800 block of 13th Street in Port Huron.

Port Huron police Det./Sgt. Brian Georgia said police are investigating what happened to the boy.

The boy’s 23-year-old father and a 22-year-old woman who had been watching him have been questioned. They are not in custody, Georgia said.

Initial reports that the boy’s father was 41-years-old were incorrect.

The father, woman and boy are Port Huron residents.

Georgia said the 22-year-old woman watching the boy called police about 2:35 p.m. Friday.

When authorities arrived to the home, the boy was unconscious in the bathtub, Georgia said.

Further examination showed the boy also had some internal and external injuries.

The boy was taken to McLaren Port Huron hospital, and then airlifted to William Beaumont Hospital.

Georgia said the boy is listed in critical, but stable condition.

Two other children in the home were removed by Child Protective Services.

Further details on the investigation have not been released.

Dad with extensive criminal history arrested for assaulting 12-year-old son; boy now with "relatives"--what happened to Mom? (Kershaw County, South Carolina)

The most interesting part about this article is what it fails to say or explain.

Like, why was a father like ANTONIO GREEN, a man with a violent criminal history, allowed anywhere near a child?

And why is there no mention of the boy's mother? She apparently has not been arrested, or that would have been reported. And she didn't get the boy back, because unnamed "relatives" have him now.

So what happened to Mom? With a man this violent, you have to wonder what he did to her over the years. Did he strip her of custody through a court-sanctioned campaign of terror? Is she "missing"? Is she deceased? If so, do we know if it was truly from natural causes?

These are the first questions we should be asking when a violent father--with no sign of the mother around--assaults or even kills a child. But of course, it is taboo for the media to say anything.!/newsDetail/26132081

Sheriff: Father beat 12-year-old son with fists, flashlight

By Jeremy Turnage

Updated: 07/28/2014 3:55 pm EDT

A 48-year-old Kershaw County man was arrested and charged with second degree assault and battery after investigators say he beat his 12-year-old son.

Kershaw County Sheriff's deputies say Antonio Green got into an argument with his son about a missing pair of keys.

Green, who was reportedly drunk during the incident, then beat the child with his fists and a flashlight.

The boy, according to deputies, fled the scene to a neighbor's house where 911 was called. Kershaw County EMS also treated the child and took him to KershawHealth.

Deputies arrived at Green's Bunker Hill Road residence a short time later and immediately took him into custody. His bond was set at $20,000 and he remains at the Kershaw County Detention Center.

The child, meanwhile, was removed from the home and is staying with relatives.

Kershaw County Sheriff Jim Matthews says Green has an extensive criminal record with arrests for assault and battery, disorderly conduct, DUI, DUS, criminal domestic violence, criminal domestic violence high and aggravated, and open container.

Trial to determine if custodial dad will lose custody of 12-year-old boy found in basement (Detroit, Michigan)

If the boy is doing well with Mom, then who made the decision that this control freak, abusive father should have custody? We need the judge's name. But of course, the media will never report that.

Dad is identified as CHARLIE BOTHUELL IV.

Trial for dad, stepmom of boy found in basement

July 28, 2014 20:11 GMT

DETROIT (AP) -- A trial is scheduled for Sept. 8 to decide whether the father and stepmother of a 12-year-old Detroit boy found in his basement after an 11-day disappearance will lose custody of their children.

A pretrial hearing was held Monday in Wayne County juvenile court for Charlie Bothuell IV and Monique Dillard-Bothuell.

Michigan is seeking to terminate the couple's rights to two other children and the father's rights to Charlie Bothuell V.

The 12-year-old is living with his mother, Africa Shippings. She tells WXYZ-TV he's doing well.

Children ages 4 years and 11 months are living with relatives.

Police found Charlie Bothuell V in the basement of his father's condo on June 25.

Authorities say he was abused and forced to complete intense physical workouts. There are no criminal charges.

Dad arrested for assaulting 2-month-old daughter during visitation (Adams County, Ohio)

If your relationship with the mother doesn't even survive the first six months of a baby's life, then you shouldn't have visitation. These guys typically don't bond with the baby at all, leaving the child vulnerable to this kind of abuse.

Babies need a consistent, loving caregiver (the mother)--not visitation with the hostile daddy looking to minimize his child support and his new wife.

Unmarried mothers, especially when they are not cohabitating with the father, should get full, automatic custody of their babies. Period. End of discussion. That 's the way it used to happen, and we didn't see anything like this kind of abuse in the past.

Dad is identified as REGINAL MORAN.

Adams County shaken baby in stable condition

Updated: Sunday, July 27 2014, 11:20 PM EDT

ADAMS COUNTY, Ohio (WKRC) -- A 2-month-old baby is in stable condition Sunday after being shaken Friday.

Crews were called to a home on Mulberry Street in West Union. The baby girl had suffered head injuries while at her father's, 23-year-old Reginal Moran, home.

The baby lives with her biological mother, but Moran has visitation rights.

Reginal and his wife, 20-year-old Rachel Moran, were brought into questioning on Saturday and later arrested and charged with child abuse.

Both Reginal and Rachel are in jail and be in court Monday.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Dad charged with raping, assaulting mom, abducting 5-year-old daughter (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Dad is identified as KAELIN HAWKINS.!/newsDetail/26125233

Father who reportedly abducted his daughter is in jail

By Nathan Vicar
Updated: 07/27/2014 9:22 pm EDT

The father that reportedly abducted his 5-year-old daughter on Saturday was put in jail on Sunday.

Kaelin Hawkins, 34, was brought into the Justice Center around 2:45 p.m. Sunday.

Hawkins was charged with domestic violence, rape and aggravated burglary. Police say the child abduction happened after a domestic assault occurred on Ledro Street at 2:30 a.m. Saturday. The estranged husband allegedly assaulted his wife and then took their 5-year-old daughter and an Amber Alert was issued.

Police say 5-year-old Kelcie Hawkins was found safe in Cincinnati about an hour after the alert was issued.

[Related Link: Amber Alert canceled after missing girl found safe, police still searching for father]

Dad arrested for sexually abusing 13-year-old daughter (Kozhikode, India)

Dad is identified as SHARJI. Sexual abuse is more common in a home where the mother is absent--and this mother was deceased.

Father held for sexually abusing child

TNN | Jul 27, 2014, 02.34 AM IST

KOZHIKODE: Police arrested two persons including the father of a 13-year-old girl for sexually abusing her.

According to the statement of the girl, three men including her father had been abusing her since 2009.

Police arrested father of the girl Shaji (43) and friend of the girl Mohammed Thaha (18), on Saturday.

Search is on for the third accused in the case. The sexual abuse came to light as the victimized girl tried to commit suicide by consuming rat poison.

The man, according to police, had been abusing his daughter and threatening to kill her. The girl's mother had died years ago and Shaji had opted for a second marriage.

The arrested were remanded in judicial custody for 14 days.

Dad shoots and kills 5-year-old son, wounds boy's mother (Folsom, Pennsylvania)

Dad is identified as TYRELL STYLES.

Police: Man kills son, 5, wounds the boy's mother

AP 5 hr ago | By Associated Press

FOLSOM, Pa. (AP) — Police say a Philadelphia man shot and killed his 5-year-old son and critically wounded the boy's mother before trying to kill himself as officers closed in.

Investigators say 26-year-old Tyrell Styles shot his son, Cion, in the head and wounded Shyema Washington at a suburban apartment complex where they had been attending a children's birthday party Saturday night.

Ridley Township police say Styles led them on a chase then shot himself after officers cornered his vehicle.

Investigators tell the Delaware County Daily Times that Washington and her son had been staying with relatives after a recent argument with Styles. Officials say he had no criminal record and was licensed to carry the gun.

Police say Styles was on life support on Sunday. Washington was in critical condition.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

"Caretaking" dad beats 2-month-old son while mom is at work (Albuquerque, New Mexico)

Dad RODRIGO NAVARRO JR. is a f***ing idiot. That is all.

Father accused of beating infant son with clothes hanger

ABQnews Seeker
By Patrick Lohmann / Journal Staff Writer

PUBLISHED: Friday, July 25, 2014 at 9:35 am

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Albuquerque police have arrested the father of a 2-month-old boy who allegedly beat him with his hand and a clothes hanger out of frustration that the infant would not stop crying.

Police said Rodrigo Navarro Jr. sent text messages to the baby’s mother while she was at work, including one that said “I’ll waste this (racial epithet)” and “I can’t calm him down”.

The mother arrived after getting a ride home from a friend after work to find Navarro on the couch and the boy lying facedown on the bed, and she took the infant to the University of New Mexico Hospital for treatment as soon as she saw his injuries, according to police.

The baby had extensive swelling and dark bruising covering the left side of his face, bruising inside his left ear, red marks on his chest and lower back, and bruising on his left hand, according to a criminal complaint filed Friday in Metropolitan Court.

Navarro, 27, told police that he was frustrated that the baby would not stop crying and that he had been drinking malt liquor.

The child was in stable condition with extensive swelling and bruising, according to the complaint.

Navarro is facing charges of child abuse without great bodily harm. He’s being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center without bail.

Dad charged with capital murder in death of 19-month-old daughter; what happened to the mother of this child? (Lancaster, Texas)

Is DANIEL ANDRE THOMAS a single or custodial father? Notice that after the death of the daughter, "his two other children" are now in foster care. What happened to the mother? In cases of violent death, it is important to follow up on why Mom is "missing." Did the abuser strip her of custody? Is she deceased? If so, do we know for a fact that it was from natural causes? What?

Lancaster father charged with daughter’s death worked for city of Dallas

By Tristan Hallman 12:12 pm on July 25, 2014

A Lancaster man accused of killing his 19-month-old daughter was a city of Dallas employee and has been fired, the city’s spokesman said Friday.

Interim city spokesman Shawn Williams said Friday that Daniel Andre Thomas, 34, was terminated from his job in the city’s Park and Recreation Department. City records show that he had worked for the city since 2008.

Lancaster police arrested Thomas on Wednesday and charged him with capital murder of a child under the age of six. He is being held in Dallas County jail in lieu of $1 million bail.

In a 911 tape obtained by The Dallas Morning News, Thomas can be heard saying his daughter Aaliyah fell while playing.

Lancaster police spokesman Lt. Kelly Hooten said Thursday that Thomas’ story didn’t add up. Aaliyah died of blunt force trauma, according to the Dallas County Medical Examiner’s office. Her death was ruled a homicide.

Thomas had no apparent criminal history in Dallas County (he did have a pair of misdemeanor theft charges in Harris County years ago) and no Child Protective Services history of abuse. His two other children, ages 6 and 8, are now in foster care, a spokeswoman said Thursday.

Few other details are available. Thomas declined a jailhouse interview with The News on Friday, and Dallas County still apparently had not received the arrest warrant affidavit from Lancaster police as of Friday morning.

Aaliyah Thomas’ death is the 20th suspected domestic violence homicide in Collin, Dallas, Denton and Rockwall counties this year.

Dad charged with giving "date rape" drug to 5-month-old son and beating him (Tacoma, Washington)

Notice that there is mention of the baby's grandparents, but zero mention of the mother. What happened to Mom?

Dad is identified as SCOTT RASMUS.

Tacoma father charged with drugging baby

By Kevin McCarty

TACOMA, Wash. — A Tacoma father has been charged with assault of a child for allegedly putting opiates and a powerful date rape drug in the feeding bottle of his 5-month-old son.

Scott Rasmus, 34, pleaded not guilty to third-degree child assault and unlawful possession of a firearm during an appearance in Pierce County Superior Court on Friday. Prosecutors said his son showed signs of abuse and was taken to Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital in late February suffering what doctors called a life-threatening event.

“This is one of those crimes that just defy explanation,” said Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Lindquist. “The baby was beaten, had broken ribs and the baby was drugged.”

According to a probable cause affidavit the boy tested positive for opiates. Further toxicology testing determine he also had the drug ketamine in his bloodstream. Traces of ketamine were also found in his baby bottle.

Ketamine is a powerful sedative with amnesiac effects that is sometimes used as a date rape drug.

“Luckily the baby survived. There’s no way of knowing yet what kind of long -term adverse consequences there might be, but at this point things look good,” said Lindquist.

The boy’s grandparents told KIRO 7 he was in good health and appears to have made a full recovery.

Dad brings assault rifle, 9-month-old son with signs of neglect into fast food restaurant; where is the baby's mother? (Albuquerque, New Mexico)

Daddy remembers to bring his assault rifle, but can't remember to change the baby's diaper or, god forbid, feed him.

Dad is identified as COLIN DECKER.

Notice that the baby is now in CPS care. What happened to the mother of this child?

Men arrested after bringing assault rifle, infant to fast food restaurant

ABQnews Seeker By Patrick Lohmann / Journal Staff Writer

UPDATED: Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 3:42 pm

PUBLISHED: Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 12:35 pm

Albuquerque police have arrested two men for allegedly endangering an infant as they traveled in their Mustang convertible to a fast food joint armed with an assault rifle, all while carrying an 8-month-old boy who police said appeared to have been neglected.

Officers in Northeast Albuquerque were sent to a Jack in the Box on the 5000 block of Montgomery around 5 a.m. Saturday morning to question two men, who appeared to be drunk, as they tried to order food at the drive through, according to Albuquerque police. The store’s manager called police to report that the driver had an assault rifle on his lap and that his passenger was holding the infant.

The infant had an “extremely soiled diaper” and a T-shirt too small for the weather, said APD spokesman Simon Drobik. The boy’s father said he could not remember the last time the baby had been fed.

“Hollywood couldn’t come up with this story,” Drobik said. “What it really comes down to is the safety of the child.”

The father, 27-year-old Colin Decker, and driver, 28-year-old Mark Richard Cropper, were arrested on a charge of child endangerment, police said. Officers found a black handgun in the passenger seat and two other guns in their search of the vehicle, Drobik said.

Drobik said the two men were very confrontational with police, including one who refused to provide his address, and it’s unclear why the men brought the guns. Neither appears to have much of a criminal history, according to online state court records.

As officers were at the scene, they pooled their money to pay for food, formula, clothing and diapers for the child, Drobik said, before taking him to the police substation for a diaper change and a meal. The state Children, Youth and Families Department then took custody of the child, Drobik said.

“They’re (the officers) all parents, and the parental instincts kicked in,” he said.

Cropper and Decker are being held at the county jail on $15,000 cash or surety bonds. They’re both facing charges relating to child abuse.

Dad, girlfriend arrested for abusing 5-year-old daughter; what happened to this child's mother? (Lakeport, California)

Once again, we see the media being extremely vague about the father's custodial status. Did he have full custody? Joint custody? And notice that the girl has now been "turned over" to CPS, and there is ZERO MENTION of the girl's mother. What happened to Mom? All of this makes me suspect that Mom has somehow been shoved out of the picture, but of course how or why that happened is not explained. Typical.


Two arrested for alleged child abuse; 5-year-old girl struck, injured

Friday, 25 July 2014 13:36 Lake County News reports

LAKEPORT, Calif. – Police have taken a Lakeport man and his girlfriend into custody for allegedly hitting and injuring the man's 5-year-old daughter.

Charles Anthony Dougherty, 31, and Jennifer Lynn Elsa, 32, were arrested Thursday evening, according to Lakeport Police Chief Brad Rasmussen.

At 1 p.m. Thursday Lakeport Police officers were dispatched to investigate the report of child abuse, Rasmussen said.

Rasmussen said officers met with reporting family members who advised and presented evidence that a 5-year-old female juvenile was abused while in the custody of her father and father's girlfriend at a residence in the city of Lakeport.

Officers immediately began an investigation and contacted the Lake County Department of Social Services-Child Protective Services Department, the Lake County District Attorney's Office and District Attorney Victim-Witness Program for assistance, Rasmussen said.

At approximately 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Lakeport Police officers and a Victim-Witness advocate located and interviewed the alleged victim at a residence in south Lakeport, outside of the city, according to Rasmussen's report.

Rasmussen said information obtained during the interview with the child was consistent with the original report and officers immediately ordered the victim to be taken into protective custody, under the authority of the California Welfare and Institutions Code. She was turned over to CPS for care pending the outcome of the investigation.

Rasmussen told Lake County News that the child had multiple bruises and welts, and the evidence indicated that both Dougherty and Elsa were involved in the alleged abuse.

At about 5:30 p.m. Thursday, officers located and interviewed Dougherty and Elsa, and Rasmussen said it was determined that sufficient facts existed to charge both with felony unlawful corporal punishment to a child causing injury.

Rasmussen said that officers determined that the abuse occurred on July 4 at a residence on N. Main Street in Lakeport, during the city fireworks show on Clear Lake off Library Park – which was reported to be visible from the residence.

The child was advised that she was being disciplined and could not watch the fireworks show, Rasmussen said. However, while the suspects were outside, they saw the victim looking out the window and then returned inside and struck her, which resulted in injury.

Just after 6 p.m. Thursday, Dougherty and Elsa were both arrested for felony corporal injury to a child and transported to the Lake County Jail, where they were booked, Rasmussen said.

Bail for both was set at $75,000. Jail records indicated both Dougherty and Elsa remained in custody on Friday, with tentative court appearances set for Monday, July 28.

Lakeport Police's followup investigation on the case is expected to continue throughout Friday, with Rasmussen reporting that on Monday they plan to file the case with the Lake County District Attorney's Office for review regarding charges.

Dad charged with felony assault for abuse of 2-month-old baby (Iredell County, North Carolina)

Dad is identified as MICHAEL DEWAYNE HONAKER.

Iredell father charged with felony child abuse

Posted: Thursday, July 24, 2014 3:17 p.m.  

Iredell County Sheriff’s Detectives arrested Michael Dewayne Honaker, 26, of Craig Street, Statesville, on Wednesday, charging him with felony assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury, felony assault inflicting serious bodily injury and felony infant child abuse causing serious bodily injury.

On July 17, 2014, the Sheriff’s Office learned that a 2-month-old infant was being treated at Iredell Memorial Hospital for possible child abuse. The child was in respiratory distress and possibly had a subdural bleed. The child was transported by helicopter to Levine’s Children’s Hospital in Charlotte.

It was discovered that the child had a subdural hematoma (bleeding outside the brain) and extensive bilateral retinal hemorrhages (abnormal bleeding of the blood vessels in the retina, the membrane in the back of the eye). Both symptoms are indicators that the child may have been abused by being shaken.

After conferring with physicians at Levine’s and interviewing multiple family members, Det. Sgt. Brian Fink and Det. Sgt. Amy Dyson charged Honaker, the child’s father. Honaker was placed in the Iredell County Detention Center under a $300,000 bond.

The child was originally listed in critical but stable condition, but has been upgraded to stable condition. He does have serious injuries and is going to require lengthy medical treatment, according to a release from the Iredell Sheriff’s Office. It is too early to determine what, if any, long term medical problems the child will have.

Dad found guilty of 2nd-degree murder in death of 9-month-old son, sentenced (Rochester, New York)

Yet another case where Mom was working to support the family while the violent, short-tempered father played at "caregiver." This POS didn't even bother to get medical help. The baby had been dead at least two hours before Mom got home and called for help. This seems to happen a lot in these cases. Needless to say, Daddy has also consistently lied about what happened.

Dad is identified as MAURICE "CHRIS" FAISON.

Dad gets 25 years to life in infant's death

Gary McLendon, Staff writer 5:56 p.m. EDT July 24, 2014

Maurice "Chris" Faison, the Rochester father who was found guilty last month of killing his 9-month-old son, has been sentenced to 25 years to life.

Faison was sentenced by Monroe County Court Judge James Piampiano Thursday, according to a news release from Monroe County prosecutors.

Faison, 24, was found guilty on June 25, of second-degree murder, first-degree aggravated manslaughter, first-degree criminal contempt, criminal contempt, endangering the welfare of a child, and criminal obstruction of breathing for causing the death of Tristen Faison.

Rochester police responded to Hartsen St. on Sept. 3, 2013 after the mother came home to find Tristen unresponsive in his crib.

Tristen was rushed to Strong Memorial Hospital and was pronounced dead at 5:22 p.m., police said.

At the time of Tristen's death, he had broken collar bone and ribs, and his death was caused from multiple blunt force trauma to the head, said Andra Ackerman, deputy chief of the Monroe County District Attorney's Office Special Victims Trial Division.

The District Attorney's Office, in a written statement, said an autopsy revealed the child suffered massive brain trauma while in Faison's exclusive care. An examination of Tristen's body would reveal that the he died more than two hours before paramedics were notified.

During his trial, Maurice Faison claimed his son's injuries were the results of an accidental fall. However, medical experts demonstrated that the infant's injuries were not consistent with the defendant's explanations, and were in fact much more severe.

"The defendant's acts that afternoon showed a depraved indifference to human life, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in bringing justice to this most innocent of victims," said Ackerman, in a written statement.

Faison, who has remained in custody since his Sept. 13, 2013 arrest will soon be transported to the State Department of Corrections, to serve his sentence.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dad jailed for raping 4-year-old daughter (New Zealand)

Wow. Check out all the sympathy for UNNAMED DAD, the child rapist. And notice there is no mention of a mother in the home. Which makes me think there wasn't one.

Father jailed for raping daughter
Last updated 09:20 24/07/2014 .

A father with an intellectual disability has been sentenced to 4 years 7 months imprisonment for raping his then 4-year-old daughter and indecently assaulting her.

The man, who has automatic name suppression, appeared before Judge Tony Zohrab yesterday in the Nelson District Court.

The court heard that the man raped the child in the presence of the girl's slightly older brother. The rape took place while the man was bathing with the children. All three assaults took place between April to December 2011.

Defence lawyer Steven Zindel argued there was little or no impact on the 4 year old victim and there was no coercion.

"There's not the coercion, I know that is because she is young. There is also no immediate effect on her."

However, he said it was a "gross" act.

He pointed to other cases which he deemed worse, including violent coercion and home invasion.

Judge Zohrab said the situations could not be compared and this was a serious breach of trust as the girl was very vulnerable.

 "You are meant to be protecting her from things like this."

The man had an intellectual disability and a low IQ however, he knew the difference between right and wrong, Judge Zohrab said.

He said it was a "very serious offence which involved serious violence," and there was a high level risk of further offending on pre-pubescent children.

The son said he saw one indecent act and then the man volunteered information on the rape as well as another indecent act.

When sentencing the man, Judge Zohrab said he was taking into account the man had a mental disability, pleaded guilty and volunteered information to the police.

He said he was "sympathetic" to the man's own sexual abuse history.

"You have also been a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of your father. I am sympathetic, as this has undoubtedly shaped your thinking."

However, he said the man knew what he did was wrong, and needed to be held to account to the impact the rape would have on the victim, family and community.

- The Nelson Mail

Dad leaves kids alone during his visitation time; kids found wandering the streets alone while dad passed out in car on drugs (Southfield, Michigan)

Wonder in UNNAMED DAD's visitation was court-ordered. But notice we aren't told that.

Southfield police: 3 children left alone; dad arrested on drug charge

Police say dad left children home alone

Published On: 1 h Updated 12 m

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. - Southfield police said three siblings -- an 8-year-old boy, a 5-year-old girl and a 2-year-old girl -- were found wandering alone early Wednesday morning.

Police said the children were staying with their 34-year-old father at the Arbor Lofts, which are near Evergreen Road and Civic Center Drive, but he was found slumped over the wheel of his car just after 7 a.m. in a nearby TGI Friday’s parking lot.

Police said it appears the children had been alone since 3 a.m.

The father was arrested on charges of operating a vehicle under the influence of narcotics and child neglect.

Update on 2-year-old abducted by dad during police standoff; toddler recovered, but why did dad with history of felony arrests have joint custody? (Topeka, Kansas)

We've posted before on this case, and it just gets more bizarre.

Once again, we see why Shawnee County, Kansas is one of the worst places in the country for protecting/coddling abusive fathers and stomping on the rights of women and children.

Some salient points here:

1) Earlier articles reported the facts about the mother being locked out of her house, with Dad and the little girl inside. The mother and the father were no longer a couple and lived in separate homes. Dad apparently slipped out the back with the girl during the 4-hour police standoff. Even the usually clueless neighbors reported that Dad was verbally abusive and controlling. Yet the Topeka Police REFUSED to issue an Amber Alert.

2) Now we find out that it was worse that that. Dad has a CRIMINAL RECORD.

--He was arrested in May in connection with one felony count of criminal threat and one misdemeanor charge of criminal carrying a weapon. -

--And in November 2013, he pleaded no contest to one misdemeanor count of attempted criminal damage to property. His 30-day sentence in jail was suspended for probation.

In other words, this a potentially dangerous man, and yet it was okay for him to take off with a two-year-old child??? While the fathers-rights controlled police department silently cheered him on?

3) And yet DESPITE this criminal record, Dad had apparently been previously awarded joint custody--presumably thoroughly the thoroughly corrupted Shawnee County Family Court, which has yet to see a dangerous violent father who can't be awarded "his rights."

4) Notice that Daddy doesn't even have any interest in regular visitation or meaningful time with the child, and has never demonstrated any interest through his actions. He just wants to bully his way into Mom's house uninvited and take off with the baby when he feels like it. This is obviously all about coercive control and punishing the mother for leaving him. And yet the authorities don't care about this either.

5) Because of police inaction/craven indifference, Mom had to do her own detective work and hunt down her daughter HERSELF. All while she is being crapped on by the local media, including the fathers rights people who dominate and control the comment sections.

6) Notice that Daddy had disguised the gender of the little girl. And that doesn't speak of suspicious intentions? Just a little visit with his kid? Bull crap.

Dad is identified as TREVOR HUGHES.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Topeka mother recounts terror of time spent without daughter

By Aly Van Dyke


Topeka police officers Saturday surround a home in the 2600 block of S.W. Valley Brook Lane, where a man was believed to be armed and holding his young daughter hostage.

Topekan Alisha Marie Quigley spent most of Saturday and all of Sunday fighting back fear and anger: Her daughter’s father had taken their little girl from her home and was threatening not to give her back.

“I was very worried,” Quigley said Monday. “I had no idea what to do. Part of me wondered if I’d ever get her back, and I feel like he doesn’t care, like he’s more concerned with getting away than he is about Ambree.”

After they were reunited late Sunday, she said, Ambree, who turns 2 on Thursday, wouldn’t let her out of her sight.

“We’re really good,” Quigley said. “(Ambree) was just very exhausted yesterday.”

After a four-hour standoff with an empty house and nearly 24 hours of no action, Quigley took matters into her own hands. Late Sunday evening, she traveled to Lawrence, where she knew the father, Trevor Hughes, was keeping Ambree. She was asked to leave the property, which she said is located in the 2300 block of 24th Street, but caught a glimpse of Hughes and Ambree from a neighbor’s yard.

“That’s the point where I kind of went crazy,” Quigley admitted.

Eventually, Hughes’ family brought Ambree to her. The first thing she noticed was that her little girl was dressed like a little boy. Quigley last saw her wearing blue shorts with white flowers and a navy blue shirt, according to a Facebook post.

Topeka police at 10:50 p.m. Sunday confirmed the girl had been located.

This series of events has played out since about noon Saturday, when Topeka police officers engaged in a four-hour standoff with what ultimately was an empty house in the 2600 block of S.W. Valley Brook Lane.

Hughes on Monday continued to defend himself on his Facebook page, claiming he returned his child when his “time was up like was planned” and accused people of blowing things out of proportion and spreading “crazy lies” because he wouldn’t give up his time with his daughter.

“Lol most definitely didn’t kidnap my daughter,” he posted after 11 a.m. Monday. “It’s not kidnapping when I have custody of her also.”

Quigley argued the couple hasn’t had scheduled visitation rights since they split up last September. He will randomly call or drop by her house to see Ambree, she said, but he doesn’t have any means to take care of her.

“He doesn’t have any weekend with her,” Quigley said. “There’s no scheduling. Every time there’s something bad that happens.”

Hughes and Quigley had Ambree on July 24, 2012, but the couple split up this past September, she said.

Shawnee County District Court records show Hughes was arrested in May in connection with one felony count of criminal threat and one misdemeanor charge of criminal carrying a weapon.

The case hasn’t been updated since April 29, a month after he was scheduled to have a pretrial conference. “This case is not closed or resolved,” said Cathy Leonhart, the Third Judicial District’s court administrator. “There just isn’t a future setting at this point.”

On Nov. 12, 2013, he pleaded no contest to one misdemeanor count of attempted criminal damage to property. His 30-day sentence in jail was suspended for probation.

Quigley was subpoenaed in both cases.

Tired of Hughes’ unannounced visits, Quigley was moving from her home Saturday, when he came by once again.

Quigley claims Hughes eventually locked her out of her home using furniture to barricade the door. She called the police.

Topeka police were called about noon Saturday to the 2600 block of S.W. Valley Brook Lane, after a Quigley reportedly said Hughes was inside her house with the toddler, Lt. Shane Lind said Saturday.

Police surrounded the house and attempted negotiations for four hours, eventually finding it to be empty. At the time, The Topeka Capital-Journal reported Lind said there were no signs of foul play, but authorities were determining whether the criteria for issuing an Amber Alert had been met.

That was at 4 p.m. Saturday.

Quigley waited more than one day before she went to Lawrence herself. She said she believes Hughes used the chaos of the police cars arriving to escape both Saturday in Topeka and Sunday in Lawrence.

Quigley is set to go to the police department Tuesday to file a protection from abuse order, she said. As far as she knows, no charges have been filed against her, and they are still pending for Hughes.

“(The officers said) there’s always two sides to a story,” she said. “They want to talk to him before issuing anything.”

Topeka police have remained mostly silent on the issue since Sunday. They released a brief, two sentence news release sent at 10:50 p.m. Sunday confirming the child had been located. Cpt. Scott Conklin on Monday afternoon explained no Amber Alert was issued because it didn’t fit the Kansas Bureau of Investigation requirements for one.

Multiple attempts to ascertain more details from the police department went unanswered Monday. They have yet to confirm any names, which have been reported in news media since late Saturday, and they haven’t said whether they still are searching for Hughes.

Friends and family continue to reassure Quigley that Ambree is too young to remember what happened, but Quigley isn’t so sure.

“I don’t see how she wouldn’t see it as not being scary,” she said.

As for the Ambree’s birthday plans Thursday, Quigley said, they probably will have a family party to celebrate.

Dad arrested in beating death of 4-month-old daughter (Kingston, Washington)

Fathers rights people very often claim that "shaken baby syndrome" is just a myth--maybe because the studies consistently show that fathers are the biggest group of perpetrators, and well, you know. That could undermine their cause. But as we see here, shaking the baby is often just one aspect of the assault. This baby also had abdominal injuries and a fractured rib in addition to the brain injuries.

Also notice that there is no mention of a mother in this home.


Kingston man accused of shaking infant daughter to death

By Associated Press
Published: Jul 22, 2014 at 4:04 PM PDT

KINGSTON, Wash. -- A 21-year-old Kingston man accused of shaking his 4-month old baby to death was arrested on Monday.

It was just after midnight on July 17 that Kitsap County emergency dispatchers got a 911 call about a baby not breathing in the 26200 block of Central Avenue NE in Kingston, according to the sheriff's department.

Deputies and medics arrived on scene and drove the young girl to Harrison Medical Center in Silverdale before transferring her to Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma. The infant died the following day.

The doctor who tried to save the girl's life told investigators her injuries were "consistent with what is known as shaken baby syndrome," according to the sheriff's department.

Doctors later discovered the girl had a fractured rib, hemorrhaging at the back of her head and bruising in the lower abdominal area. The baby also had a perforated colon caused by blunt force trauma, according to the sheriff's department.

The more police investigated, the more they believed the girl's father was responsible for her injuries and death. The man, who has not been named, was arrested Monday and booked into jail for investigation of second degree murder. His bail was set at $1 million.

Dad may face murder charges after 2-week-old son dies from brain injuries (Louisville, Kentucky)

Dad is identified as JUAN LOPEZ ROSALES.!bkzZQ3

By JJ Dixon

Man's charges may be upgraded after abused baby dies

Published 8:00 AM EDT Jul 23, 2014

LOUISVILLE, Ky. —On Wednesday morning, prosecutors will meet to determine if a Louisville father will face murder charges after his infant son died at Kosair Children's Hospital.

Police say Juan Lopez Rosales hit his 2-month-old son Isaac's head against a bathtub, fracturing his skull.

Doctors declared the child brain dead weeks ago, but his mother fought to keep him alive.

On Tuesday, a judge ruled the child could be removed from life support, and police confirm Isaac passed away Tuesday night.

The mother's attorney says the family is devastated but accepts the court's decision.

“Well, I'm not going to say it's the wrong decision. The court had an interpretation as to what the law is and they get to decide that fact,” said Leslie Bates, the mother’s attorney.

Right now, Lopez is charged with criminal abuse.

Custodial dad, girlfriend plead no contest in abuse of 10-month-old son with fractured skull; what happened to the mother of this baby? (Columbus, Nebraska)

Once again, we see the convoluted way the media disguises a father's custodial status.

Notice that your have to read six paragraphs down to find out that JUAN TREJO is the biological father while the woman in question is not the biological mother.

Then you have to skip back to the first paragraph to find out that this abuse took place over two months, so it was not something that just happened over weekend visitation. Ergo, Daddy must have been custodial.

Notice that the baby is now in foster care. And it apparently doesn't even OCCUR to this reporter to find out what happened to this baby's mother! Or how and why she lost custody. Or what judge may have been responsible for this outrage.

Columbus couple admit physical abuse of baby

3 hours ago • By Jim Osborn

COLUMBUS – A Columbus couple admitted their roles in abusing a 10-month-old boy over a two-month period this spring that eventually sent the baby to the hospital with a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain.

Defendant Juan Trejo pleaded no contest to felony child abuse in connection with an April 22 incident in which the 22-year-old defendant admitted fracturing his son’s skull in multiple places after throwing him to the floor when the baby became fussy and wouldn’t stop crying.

Trejo entered his plea in Platte County District Court in exchange for the prosecution dismissed two similar abuse charges. The defendant was convicted of a Class II felony, which carries a maximum penalty of up to 50 years in prison.

Trejo’s fiancée, Julie Staroscik, 22, pleaded no contest to misdemeanor child abuse in county court. The Class I misdemeanor has a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison.

District Judge Robert Steinke scheduled Trejo for sentencing Aug. 15. Staroscik is set for sentencing in county court on Aug. 25.

Trejo, who is the boy’s biological father, has remained in custody at the Platte County Detention Facility since his April 22 arrest. Staroscik, who is not the boy’s biological mother, has been free on bond since late April.

The victim, who turned 1 year old about a month ago, has been placed in foster care after being treated in an Omaha hospital for multiple bone fractures.

Trejo and Staroscik are the biological parents of four other children who were in the home at the time of the April 22 incident. Police said those children showed no evidence of abuse.

The boy, who is recovering from his injuries, was transported to Children’s Hospital in Omaha where a bone survey by Dr. Suzanne Haney revealed about 20 fractures to the skull, ribs, both arms and both legs in different stages of healing. The doctor said the bone breaks ranged from about a week old to not more than a couple of months old.

Columbus Police Investigator Bret Strecker said Trejo admitted causing the April 22 injuries to his son when the boy was “crying and screaming and would not stop.”

The defendant said he became frustrated and threw the boy to the ground, Strecker said in a sworn statement supporting the defendant’s arrest.

“He said that he was holding (his son) in his hands while he was standing up,” Strecker said. “He raised him a bit and then slammed him to the floor of the residence.”

Trejo denied abusing his son at any other time, Strecker said. Staroscik denied knowledge of any of the boy's injuries.

Dad convicted of 2nd-degree murder in beating death of 2-year-old daughter; says he wanted to turn her into a lesbian and avoid men like him (Genesee Count, Michigan)

Say what???

Dad is identified as DONOVAN LAMAR HAYNES.

Michigan father gets up to 40 years for fatally beating daughter, 2, to turn her tough, gay

Donovan Lamar Haynes, described as 'deranged,' smiled in court before a judge sentenced him to 18 to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder in the death of Ti'Airra Woodward, 2.

The victim's mother says Haynes 'has no remorse.'

BY Nicole Hensley

Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 11:35 AM

A Michigan father wanted his toddler to grow up and avoid dangerous men like himself, so he beat her to death hoping she'd turn gay.

Donovan Lamar Haynes walked into a Genesee County courtroom Monday with a slight smile on his face before he was sentenced to 18 to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder in the slaying of his daughter, 2, according to the Flint Journal.

His own defense attorney, Elbert Hatchett, described the 23-year-old father as "deranged."

The lawyer said he hoped that in prison, his client would seek psychological counseling and atonement.

"Hopefully, judge, he will repent," Hatchett said.

Haynes wanted to make little Ti'Airra Woodward tough, said Judge Joseph J. Farah, citing an investigation report, but adding that was no longer a worry.

"Dad took care of that. He took care of it in one fell swoop," Farah said.

Ti'Airra died of internal bleeding from a lacerated liver, according to a medical examiner's report, and was covered in bite marks after Haynes laid waste to her body during the 2011 attack.

Instead of beating Ti'Airra, Farah told Haynes he should have used his own life experience to teach his daughter how to avoid problem men, the newspaper reported.

Haynes was also sentenced to five to 15 years in prison for first-degree child abuse.

Haynes reportedly tried to withdraw his guilty plea, but the judge refused.

The victim's mother, Nakeesha Woodward, cried during Haynes sentencing.

"He has no remorse," Woodward said.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Good dad" arrested for abusing 6-week-old son; baby in critical condition (Cape Coral, Florida)

This happens a lot. You have a violent, short-tempered father who attacks a baby for crying. And yet the damn Clueless Neighbors will (literally this time!) swear he was a "good father" because they saw him outside cutting the grass. Hard to fix stupid, I guess.

Dad is identified as JAMES ALEX BUDAY.

Baby severely shaken, dad charged

Posted: Jul 21, 2014 1:53 PM EDT
Updated: Jul 21, 2014 7:42 PM EDT

By Danielle Koleniak, Reporter

CAPE CORAL, FL - Cape Coral Police arrested 31-year-old James Alex Buday on charges of cruelty toward a child/aggravated child abuse after he showed up to the Cape Coral Fire Station July 9 with his unconscious infant son.

Battalion Chief of EMS, Cape Coral Fire Department Ryan Lamb said the six-week-old child was lifeless and blue when Buday brought him. Buday told them he put the baby to sleep and woke up and was having problems breathing.

The baby was rushed to Health Park Hospital with head trauma.

The injuries were so severe, the child was taken by medical helicopter to Miami Children's Hospital. They reported there was signs of past bleeding and current bleeding in the brain and retina. DCF was called after what appeared to them to be obvious child abuse.

Neighbors say the Buday family is like the perfect family.

"They seemed happy, said neighbor Debbie Wainey. "I was really shocked when I saw his mug shot."

Wainey describes Buday as a good father to the couple's three-year-old.

"Dad would be cutting the grass and there he would be out with his little lawn mower," said Wainey.

Detectives interviewed the child's parents but investigators were given no explanation for the child's injuries.

Family members told police Buday had admitted to them earlier in the day, on July 18, that he had shaken the child because he wouldn't stop crying.

Police interviewed Buday Friday, who they say told them he just snapped. He shook the infant until the baby stopped crying and then Buday said he put him in the crib once he was quiet. When he checked on him later, the child was not responding.

The unidentified child remains in critical condition at Miami Children's Hospital with permanent neurological damage.

Buday is out on $60,000 bond and is scheduled in court August 18.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dad slashes throat of 3-year-old son and kills him--because mom refused to have a fifth baby (Ghana)

Dad is identified as GIDEON ABOTSI.

Police to arraign man who slashed child’s throat to death

A 37-year-old father who slashed the throat of one of his four children to protest his wife’s refusal to allow them have a fifth child will be arraigned before court later today.

The suspect took a machete in the full glare of his wife and other children, and slit the throat of the three-year-old boy, who is the last of his four children whose name was given as Sitsofe.

The incident happened at a village called Kpeyiborme near Kpeve in the Volta Region.

The Peki Police have only identified the suspect as Gideon Abotsi, aka Jarrah, a farmer.

The Volta Regional Police Commander ACP Peter King Yentumi tells Joy News the suspect will be put before court.

He said the wife’s refusal to give him an additional child was grounded on the fact that the four they already had are not well catered for.

“The man took offence and slashed the throat of the last child of about three years,” ACP Peter King Yentumi said.

Abotsi is currently in the custody of Peki-Avetile Police who are conducting investigations into the murder case.

Meanwhile, the body of the boy, Sitsofe, has been deposited at the Peki Government Hospital morgue.

Dad sentenced for sexually abusing 7- and 9-year-old daughters during court-ordered visitation and creating child porn (Columbus, Nebraska)

Of course we are not told whether UNNAMED DAD had a previous history of abuse that was ignored when a judge gave him his weekend visitation rights with two young girls. Nor are we told the judge's name. But then, that almost never happens.

City man gets 60 years for assaulting daughters

July 18, 2014 8:00 am • By Jim Osborn

COLUMBUS — A 38-year-old Columbus man who admitted to sexually assaulting his two preteen daughters last fall during visits to his home and creating and possessing child pornography will spend the next few decades in prison.

Platte County District Court Judge Robert Steinke sentenced the city man, who is not being identified to protect the victims, to up to 60 years behind bars on charges in connection with two separate cases.

The defendant pleaded no contest to first-degree sexual assault and incest in one case and to manufacturing and possessing child porn in the other case. In exchange, the prosecution dismissed similar charges in both cases.

Steinke gave the city man 30 to 50 years for sex assault and 10 to 15 years for incest. The defendant was sentenced to seven to 10 years on the porn charges to run consecutive to the assault and incest sentences.

The sexual assault charge is a Class IB felony and carried a maximum penalty of up to life imprisonment. Manufacturing child porn is a Class ID felony with a maximum sentence of 50 years behind bars.

The incest and possession of child porn charges are Class III felonies, each punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Steinke gave the defendant credit for 255 days already served in the county jail since his arrest last fall.

The county attorney’s office dismissed two counts of sexual assault and three counts of possession of child porn.

The defendant was charged last fall with three counts of first-degree sexual assault of a child in connection with the assaults of his daughters, then aged 9 and 7, last October during visits to his rural Columbus mobile home.

Meanwhile, the porn charges arose this spring and involved four separate female victims ranging from ages 7 to 11. The manufacturing charge accused the defendant of creating the visual images between early August and late October.

Court documents in the sexual assault case describe an investigation that got underway last fall after the Platte County Sheriff’s Office received information from a state agency alleging child abuse and neglect involving the defendant and his children.

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services report included allegations of sexual abuse involving the defendant taking baths with his minor biological daughters, said Sheriff’s Investigator Dane Jensen in his statement supporting an arrest warrant.

Jensen said one of the daughters disclosed to her mother that their father had been taking baths with her and her sister.

The defendant was not the custodial parent of the children and has been divorced from their mother for more than five years. The defendant had visitation rights with the children every other weekend.

During recorded forensic interviews at the Child Advocacy Center in Norfolk, Jensen said the girls described explicit sexual acts their father committed during their visitations to his home. The investigator said one of the victims said her father told her not to tell anyone about the sexual activity.

Jensen said the defendant denied all allegations of sexual activity with his daughters.