Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"Stressed" dad jailed for abusing 12-week-old son (Derby England)

Another "stressed" UNNAMED DAD who just couldn't hack baby minding without abusing a 12-week-old infant. And then he lied about what he had done for months, depriving the mother of regular contact with the baby. What an arse....


'Stressed' dad jailed for shaking baby, leaving him with bleed on brain
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
A 24-YEAR-OLD man who admitted shaking his 12-week-old son, causing a bleed to the surface of the brain, has been jailed.

The Derby man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, shook and squeezed the baby "in a moment of madness", Derby Crown Court heard.

The little boy who was kept in hospital for more than a week, now appears to have recovered from the injury but the long-term outcome is unknown, the court was told.

Jailing the man for 16 months, Judge Michael Fowler said: "This was an incident that occurred in the stress of parenthood but it involved not only shaking but also causing injury by squeezing his leg.

"Unfortunately, you caused a serious injury – a very significant bruising to the brain and bleeding within the skull, from which fortunately he seems to have recovered."

The court heard that, since admitting the offence, the man had been having supervised visits with his baby and other son, who now live with only their mother.

However, prosecutor Sarah Allen said the mother hoped that one day the family would be reunited.

The offence happened in last summer after the father was left alone with his baby and another young son.

The mother, realising she had a number of missed calls from her partner, called him.

He told her something was wrong with the baby and she went straight home to find her son was pale and had bruising to his left ear.

"She immediately took him to hospital," said Miss Allen.

Examinations revealed the child had suffered a subdural haematoma, which is when blood collects in the space between the skull and the surface of the brain.

He also had "scattered retinal haemorrhages" in both eyes, which was consistent with being "vigorously shaken", said Miss Allen.

The parents were interviewed but they both denied having any knowledge of how the injuries were caused.

Social services became involved and both of the children were put into the care of one of their grandmothers, with the parents being allowed supervised visits.

It was not until about three months later that the father confessed after the parents were told that if it could not be established who caused the injuries, the children would be taken away from them.

The father, who admitted assault or ill-treatment of a child, said he "just saw red, he just snapped" after the baby would not settle.

Miss Allen said: "He wanted him to shut up. He used quite a lot of force and said his head went back quite a long way."

The father said he had been upset by what he had done and had held the baby tightly, and without realising it was squeezing the baby's leg.

Christopher Gabbitas, in mitigation, said: "He describes it to me as a moment of madness."

Miss Allen said the child's doctor had been "encouraged" by its progress.