Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dad beats to death 8-month-old daughter (Jerusalem, Israel)

Dad NACHMAN ENCHIN is said to have killed his 8-month-old daughter. Mental illness is blamed. Dad apparently locked the mother and the 4-year-old daughter out of the house, and proceeded to smash the baby's head into the floor.

More On The Horrific Death Of Fruma Enchin A”H In Yerushalayim

January 3, 2010 “I ask your forgiveness my daughter if I permitted you to cry for too long, if I did not feed you in a timely fashion, or chalila I did not pay attention and I did not change you in a timely fashion” were the painful words, the hesped given by the mother of the 8-month-old Fruma, who died of massive injuries inflicted by her angry and apparently mentally unstable father.

Some 30 family members and close friends were on hand during the late night levaya of the infant on erev shabbos at the Shamgar Funeral Chapel in the capital. In keeping with minhag Yerushalayim, the mother did not accompany Fruma to the kever, escorted by members of the Chevra Kadisha and a small number of others, responsible for reciting kaddish for this pure neshama.

According to some reports, area residents, friends of the dad, Nachman, realized he was in distress, urging him to seek assistance, to visit a psychiatrist, but he shrugged off their worries, insisting there was no need. Some spoke to him that very day, concerned over his outwardly visible deteriorating state.

Neighbors explain he was abroad several months ago seeking assistance after their financial situation worsened significantly. They explain that since his return, his mental state took a sharp noticeable turn for the worse. They add his condition following his return continued to deteriorate, and he was never in that kind of worrisome state prior to the financial collapse.

On Thursday, the night of the tragedy, police received calls at about 11:00pm, with the mother, Esther, complaining her husband had locked her out of the home together with her daughter, who is 4. She explained they had a bitter argument previously. Neighbors phoned the police emergency dispatcher, expressing their concerns over the cries and screams heard from the apartment located in the Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood, fearing for the welfare of the child. By this time, Esther was hysterical, fearing Nachman would harm the infant. She told police she saw him holding Fruma by a leg while smashing her head on the floor shouting “get away from here or I will kill her!”

One neighbor, Chaim Biton, managed to gain entry via a window, describing for police that he saw the dad holding his daughter “like a chicken” adding “he was in a rage”.

When medics arrived they found Fruma on a bed, in a pool of blood, unconscious. She was in cardiac arrest. They added that the father shouted at them “take the girl and treat her”.

Hatzolah responder Yosef Refaeli told authorities that the dad simply did not appear sane when he arrived.

Medics spoke of a comminuted skull fracture, bite marks to her face and factures to her legs. They transported her to the emergency room of nearby Bikur Cholim Hospital where they pronounced 8-month-old Fruma dead, beaten to death by her father.

23-year-old Nachman repeatedly told police “I am Moshiach” authorities reported to the media. Nachman was seen by a psychiatric who determined he is fit to remain in custody, and his remand was extended for a week as the investigation continues.

His attorney insists that he simply is unaware of what is going on, not in a state of reality and not responsible for his actions. He does not understand the difference between right and wrong attorney Yaakov Kaminski insists. He does not understand that he killed his infant daughter he exclaimed.

Officials add that while Nachman was hospitalized in the past, he never displayed violence and was not deemed a danger.

R’ Meir Strick, the grandfather of Fruma A”H explained, “We are not angry. Hashem gives and Hashem takes. Such is the Heavenly decree”.

(Yechiel Spira - YWN Israel)