Friday, May 16, 2014

Dad with violent criminal history charged with abusing 27-day-old infant daughter; baby almost drowned in her own blood (Auckland, New Zealand)

Once again, we see an odd omission: there is absolutely no mention of the baby's mother.

We know UNNAMED DAD was alone with the baby in "their home" when this sicko piece of sh** STUCK HIS FINGERS DOWN HER THROAT, and caused her to ALMOST DROWN IN HER OWN BLOOD. We know that he broke her ribs.

And we know the maternal grandmother now has custody.

So what happened to Mom? It's as if she had never existed. Makes me wonder if this father with a violent criminal history either physically harmed her, and/or took the baby away from her.

Auckland Dad 'Breaks Ribs' of Newborn Daughter

By Reissa Su | May 16, 2014 4:53 PM EST

An Auckland man is currently facing charges for injuring his newborn baby. The father had stuck his finger down her throat.

The 27-day-old baby almost drowned in her own blood from the injury.

The incident occurred in February 2013 when the dad was alone with his daughter in their home in Auckland, New Zealand. Doctors feared at first that they wouldn't be able to revive the child since the wound was heavily bleeding. The baby's father, whose identity will remain anonymous to protect the baby's privacy, was found guilty by the High Court at Auckland. The injury was most likely caused by his finger when he jammed it in the baby's throat.

According to reports, x-rays of the baby taken from the Starship Children's Hospital revealed the newborn also suffered from broken ribs which the father had caused when he tried to squeeze her. The father continued to plead he was innocent during his sentencing in the High Court on May 16.

The man was sentenced to 6 and ½ years in prison for the charge of wounding with reckless disregard and another charge for injuring with reckless disregard.

His daughter has recovered from the injuries and now under the care of her maternal grandmother. Crown Prosecutor Tiffany Cooper said the baby's throat had "quickly filled" with blood after the incident. Cooper said her life was "put in the balance."

Defense Atty. Kelly-Ann Stoikoff said her client would carry out his sentence despite protesting his innocence. She said he wanted to start his life again once he left jail and plans to be a part of his daughter's life.

In the sentence, Lang said the child's life was at risk because she was drowning in her own blood. He told the man that by injuring her, he had abused his position as the caregiver of his daughter.

According to reports, Lang was appalled by the man's actions. He said he was "left at a loss" on how a father could treat his baby. The judge remained unimpressed with the man's criminal history with five convictions for aggravated robbery in 2009 and other charges of violent offenses.