Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yet ANOTHER 9-month-old baby murdered by dad; mom had just filed for divorce (Meridian, Idaho)

Yet ANOTHER murder-suicide by a dad of a 9-month-old son--and just on the tails of the STEPHEN GARCIA case, which involved the murder-suicide of a 9-month-old son by the father in California during court-ordered supervision.

In this case, NICHOLAS BACON is the controlling scumbag who wasn't going to let his wife divorce him. No, sir! She was going to be made to suffer, by destroying what was most precious to her. No doubt we will be hearing lots of mental health pontificating about this one. But basically it comes down to this: abuse and control of the mother by murdering her child.

Although the police "say" there was no history of domestic violence, this means nothing. Many victims do not call, because they see it as pointless or even counter-productive. Especially in rural counties where the hot-headed daddy is released almost immediately, with or without bail. Just in time to "settle things" at home. But the fingerprints of domestic violence are all over this case. Anyone who knows anything about DV knows that the most dangerous time for women and children is right after they have left the abuser. This case fits that model to a T.

Murder-Suicide Investigation

Posted: Feb 9, 2010 11:55 PM CST

Updated: Feb 9, 2010 11:55 PM CST

An unthinkable crime in Meridian. Officers say a young father murdered his baby boy...before turning the gun on himself. A late night call from a worried mother sent officers to a quiet Meridian neighborhood. According to court documents, 20 year old Nicholas Bacon and his wife filed for divorce just last week. In a home police say had no history of domestic violence, things seemed to have changed in a hurry. Police say Nicholas Bacon made some suicidal and homicidal comments to his wife...that's when she called police.

When officers arrived at the home they made a gruesome discovery. Deputy Chief Tracy Basterrechea told Todays Channel 6 news....''they entered the living room area at which they discovered the body of the nine month old as well as the 20 year old male both were deceased from gunshot wounds.''

Neighbors told police they didn't hear the gunshots.