Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More on dad who shot to death 9-month-old son; he had JOINT CUSTODY (Meridian, Idaho)

Once again we see the dangers of granting joint custody to violent fathers, in this case dad NICHOLAS BACON. Remember that fathers rights "reformers" have been telling us for years that if poor daddies weren't shoved out of the lives of their kids by malicious mommies, we wouldn't see any more "acting out" like this. Joint custody would prevent violence! This is turning into a bigger and bigger lie everyday.

Let's set the record straight. Fathers--even fathers with histories of violence, mental health issues, or substance abuse--are routinely granted joint custody every day. This is the "new normal" if you will. It's practically rubberstamped. It's not like 30 years ago. It's almost impossible for a mother to be granted sole custody today. Just doesn't happen.

Even "waterboard" dad JOSHUA TABOR in Washington State had custody, a disastrous 5-month split, despite the clear evidence that this guy was truly screwed up by his experiences in Iraq, if not before.

Nicholas Bacon HAD UNSUPERVISED TIME, he HAD JOINT CUSTODY. It made no difference whatsover. Guys like Bacon aren't even interested in custody really. They just a way to "get even" with their wives or girlfriends for leaving them.

It was the same story in the recent STEPHEN GARCIA case in California, where the father slaughtered his 9-month-old son during court-ordered visitation. He just wanted "revenge". And there was ample evidence of his violent intentions. But the judges ignored it.

Police: Father kills young son in Meridian murder-suicide

by Scott Evans
Idaho's NewsChannel 7

Posted on February 9, 2010 at 8:30 AM

Updated yesterday at 8:48 PM

Murder-Suicide in Meridian

MERIDIAN -- The Ada County coroner has identified a father and infant son in an apparent murder-suicide in a home on S. Pelican Way.

Meridian Police say it appears Nicholas Bacon, 20, shot his 8-month old boy Bekm, then turned the gun on himself.

According to police, Bacon's estranged wife received a series of telephone calls from her husband Monday, in which she reported he made several threats of violence. "Her husband was making suicidal and homicidal threats; he had their baby with him," said Meridian Police Deputy Chief Tracy Basterrechea.

The couple was going through a divorce, but because they had joint custody of their son, Bacon had the child for the afternoon and was supposed to return him that night. Bacon’s wife called police when she became concerned that the threats were escalating. Officers went to the home around 8:30 p.m.

"My oldest boy looked outside and saw all the cop cars and all the emergency vehicles out in front of the home," said neighbor John Meyer.

Officers knocked on the door and called inside, but got no answer. They entered the home through the garage after Bacon’s wife gave them the code to open the door.

Officers found Bacon and his son on the floor of the living room, dead from gunshot wounds. A .45-caliber handgun was nearby. An exact time of death is not known, but Basterrachea says the shootings happened before officers arrived.

"We were surprised to see the (crime scene) tape out front," said neighbor Frank Lane. "That's what drew our attention."

Basterrachea says the Meridian Police Department had no previous contact with the family. Bacon had no criminal record and no known history of domestic violence.

"We probably will never be able to explain how somebody could do this, or why, but we're trying to bring all of the pieces together to at least give us a little more clear idea of what happened there," Basterrachea said.

Neighbors say the family, who moved into the rental house about one month ago, kept to themselves.

"I'm sorry to hear about it. It's sad to hear something like that is going on in your neighborhood, you know," Lane said.

Police are investigating how Bacon got the gun.

He graduated from Mountain View High School in Meridian in 2008