Friday, February 5, 2010

Dad, teenage daughter busted for drinking in church parking lot (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Just another UNNAMED DAD bonding with his teenage daughter--and just a little bit of vodka to ease the way.

Dad and teenage daughter busted drinking in church parking lot
By Emily Kaiser in Bad Parents, BoozeFri., Feb. 5 2010 @ 6:00AM

​There's nothing better than a father bonding with his adolescent daughter. Particularly when it includes reliving the glory days of one's youth: Drunk in church parking lots on a weekday morning.

A 37-year-old man was arrested Thursday morning after they found him with his 15-year-old daughter drunk inside his car in a church parking lot.

The officers spotted the car near the intersection of Nicollet and Franklin with two people inside. Police spotted an open bottle of vodka and there was no doubt both of them were intoxicated. The dad had a blood alcohol concentration of .30 at the scene.

Dad was taken into custody for all sorts of offenses any father would be proud of: child abuse, driving while intoxicated, open bottle, and distributing material harmful to a minor. His daughter was cited for underage drinking and taken to the hospital.

Setting good examples. Fathers FTW!