Monday, February 8, 2010

Dad smothers to death 18-year-old daughter, wife; press describes him as "devoted family man." WTF? (Shropshire, England, United Kingdom)

Dad HUGH MCFALL has smothered to death his 18-year-old daughter and his wife. Yet the clueless press describes this selfish jerk who decided that other people had to be punished and die for HIS debt problems as a "devoted family man."

Are we ever going to stop hearing sympathetic noises about cold-blooded killers and what lovely people they are? I'm totally sick of this crap.

I've killed them both it's my turn
Russell Myers

Murder dad Hugh McFall made a dramatic 999 call to tell cops: "I've done something awful."

The debt-ridden florist then confessed: "I've killed my wife and daughter - and now I'm going to kill myself."

Police raced to his home to find the bodies of his wife Susan, 55, and their 18-year-old daughter Francesca, as McFall hanged himself at his business lock-up nearby.

Details of the devoted family man's phone call were revealed yesterday along with a new photo of Francesca looking radiant in gown and tiara, dangling fancy high-heel shoes over her shoulder.

She wore the glittering outfit for a school summer ball last year. Tragically, the happy teenager had been eagerly looking forward to attending an early Valentine's Ball at her school that had been due to take place last night.

Just hours before her killing she had updated her Facebook pages at 10.16pm on Thursday, saying she was "buzzing" about the event.


McFall, 48, is believed to have smothered Francesca and his wife in their beds in Oswestry, Shropshire, after he snapped over his money worries.

A neighbour said yesterday that McFall had spoken to him about another massacre of a seemingly perfect family just four miles away in August 2008.

Businessman Christopher Foster killed his wife Jill and daughter Kirstie, 15, then torched their mansion and shot himself, while plagued by secret debts.

McFall's nextdoor neighbour and pal James Bond, 51, said they were both horrified by the triple killing. McFall confided: "How could a father ever do that to his wife and daughter? It is shocking."

Dad-of-two Mr Bond, 51, learned of the McFall killings after being woken by police early on Friday morning. He said: "Officers were frantically trying to locate because he had called them. They said he was crying and said 'I've done something awful. I'm so sorry'.

"He told them he had killed his wife and daughter and was then going to kill himself. He said his life wasn't worth living any more."

McFall left his £300,000 four-bedroom detached house to drive his Land Rover to his warehouse in the village of St Martins six miles away. Officers, including an armed response unit, found his body at 9.30am, four and a half hours after those of his wife and daughter were discovered.

McFall hid his debts from his family and recently took them on holiday to New York and Switzerland, spending thousands on credit cards. Only-child Francesca, known to pals as Frankie, was described as friendly, outgoing and bright. Head girl at her former school, she was on the brink of a new life as a university student.

She had been due to go to a Valentine's Ball - now cancelled - at £12,000-a-year Oswestry School with boyfriend, Max Payne, 17.

His mother, PR boss Jools Payne, told yesterday how the teenagers had got back together after a recent split. Mrs Payne, also of Oswestry, said: "They had a normal teenage relationship, on one minute, off the next.

"They had split up and just got back together and were really excited about going to the ball together.

"Max is completely devastated.

It is extremely shocking.

I didn't know Frankie's parents but they seemed like a thoroughly decent family.

"Luckily there is a very, very good strong support network between Frankie and Max's friends. There is a tight-knit community and they will get through this." Max said: "I'm lost for words. I will miss her so much. "