Thursday, February 4, 2010

Police blotter tells the same old story: child abused during visitation (Denton, Texas)

This is from a police blotter published in the Denton (Texas) Record-Chronicle. Makes you wonder how many cases like this happen everyday, with most just flying under the radar entirely. Way too many abusers are getting custody and visitation who should not be. Some of these babies and children are getting murdered (like in the STEPHEN GARCIA case, which is finally getting national media attention.). Other babies and children just suffer with little to no attention paid.

In this case, a two-year-old boy was injured during weekend visitation with his UNNAMED DAD.

3500 block of South Interstate 35E — A woman took her 2-year-old son to a hospital emergency room Monday with a black eye and numerous bug bites on his body, according to a police report.
Hospital personnel alerted police, who responded and spoke with the woman. She said the child’s father had taken the boy for weekend visitation and dropped him off with the injuries.
The father told the boy’s grandmother, who was at home at the time, that the boy had fallen.
The woman said the man had previously been abusive to her and the boy, and that the mothers of his other children have complained about abuse. An investigation is continuing.