UNNAMED DAD brought his 5 kids along to a drug deal arranged with an undercover police officer. Let me guess. Mom was working?
TORONTO --To all in the running for Father of the Year, your competition just got a little thinner.
A Toronto man is accused of bringing his five children along for a drug deal with an undercover officer in Toronto's northwest end.
The cop arranged to met the man at Woodbine Centre on Rexdale Blvd. to buy some cocaine Saturday, Toronto Police Const. Wendy Drummond said.
When the man approached the officer inside the mall, he had his two teenagers and two-year-old child with him, Drummond said.
After the officer bought the drugs, the man was followed back to his car, where he was arrested.
Two more children, 10 and 11, were found inside the car, along with a quantity of cocaine, a 14-inch knife and a prohibited flick knife, Drummond said.
"As we know, the lifestyle that goes along with drugs is a violent one and the chance and the risk of something happening to those children is there," she said.