Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dad stabs mom; takes child but abandons (Andrews, New Mexico)

Dad JESSIE JARAMILLO, SR. broke into home of his former common-law wife, stabbed her and her boyfriend, and then took off with the baby. As is typical in cases where violence was involved in the abduction, enjoying some parenting time with the child was NOT the motive, as Dad dumped the kid at his aunt's house a short time later.

Andrews Baby Located in Hobbs, Search for Suspect Continues
Posted: July 15, 2009 05:28 PM CDT
Updated: July 15, 2009 10:36 PM CDT

ANDREWS - NewsWest 9 has learned that the baby, which caused an Amber Alert to be issued, has been located in Hobbs, New Mexico. The search, however, for the suspect involved continues.

Andrews Police tell NewsWest 9, the baby's father, 28-year-old Jessie Jaramillo, Senior, dumped the child at an Aunt's house in Hobbs, New Mexico. This all started around 2a.m. Wednesday morning in the 1300 block of Northwest 12th in Andrews which is where the his former common-in-law wife lives. Police tell NewsWest 9, Jaramillo broke in and stabbed 25-year-old Mayra Lujan, and her boyfriend, then fled with the child.

However, officers didn't issue an Amber Alert until 5p.m. on Wednesday afternoon.

"Had he just walked in the house & took the child and walked out the door, there wouldn't be an issue, because he has as much a legal right to the child as the mother does. Neither one of them ever filed any kind of custody proceeding. But under the circumstances again, we conferred with prosecutors to get legal advice. It was determined that yes we need to do an Amber Alert," Andrews Police Chief Bud Jones, said.

"They grabbed a hold of the pole on my carport and rested a minute I guess. Then they came back out on the sidewalk and the blood trail led on down to the end of the sidewalk and where it went from there, I couldn't tell," Neighbor Gary Smith, said.

Lujan was taken to an Odessa hospital with severe cuts on her neck. Her boyfriend was treated and released.

Jessie Jaramillo, Senior is wanted in connection with the abduction and the aggravated assault which occured in the 1300 block of Northwest 12th. He is 28-year-old, 185 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. He was tattoos on his neck and arms. Jaramillo will be charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangering a child.