Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dad leaves 3-year-old child in path of train; child loses leg, but crawls home (Madiun, East Java)

The locations may change, the details may change, but the basic deeds are numbingly the same, whether in Jakarta, Indonesia or Elkhart, Indiana.

The dad, identified only as PURYANTO, was mad because his wife wanted a divorce. (We can already figure out why she wanted a divorce--because her husband was a violent, abusive idiot.) So dear daddy vents his displeasure by leaving their 3-year-old son on the tracks of an oncoming train. The child was hit by the train and lost his leg, BUT STILL MANAGED TO CRAWL HOME and is being treated at a hospital.

Oh. my. god.

July 16, 2009

Child Hit by Train is Victim of Father's Rage, says Activist

Misdirected rage probably caused a man to allegedly leave his three-year-old son in the path of an oncoming train in Madiun, East Java last week, says a prominent child rights activist.

The boy was hit by the train and lost his leg, but miraculously survived and was able to crawl 50 meters to his home. He is now being treated at a hospital in Madiun.

"This is a classic paradigm that the best way to hurt a person is by hurting the thing most dear and near to them," said Seto Mulyadi, head of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA). He said the father, 30-year-old Puryanto, is believed to have been angry at his wife after she asked for a divorce.

Seto said he hoped media attention to the case would not make the child's situation worse."It is important for the people around [the boy] to give him attention and reassure him that despite what happened, he still has a future," Seto said.