Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Step charged with abuse, custodial dad charged as accessory for coaching her to lie (Ashville, North Carolina)

So while the step was burning the arm of a 2-year-old girl, where was the little girl's mom? Is she still alive? Or did Daddy strip her of custody? Daddy being JAMIE ALLEN THOMPSON, who is being charged as an accessory for coaching the step on how to lie to the police and medical staff. Makes me truly wonder if this is a custodial situation. Why? Abuser daddies--who often display a remarkable talent for picking out steps that are equally adept at abusive behavior--are often successful at getting child custody when they put their mind to it. And skilled liars are especially rewarded.

Maybe the local media could check into this?

Remember. Children are not born to single-father households. Unless a married mother dies, somebody, somewhere along the line made a deliberate decision that a child should be placed in the father's home.


Stepmother charged; punished toddler by burning skin off her arm
March 3rd, 2011 by Jessica Carlson

A 23 year old, Asheville, North Carolina stepmother has been arrested for charges of child abuse. The stepmother reportedly held her 2 year old step-daughters arm under running water that reportedly reached 150 degrees. According to, the baby suffered 3rd degree burns which will require extensive therapy and reconstructive surgery. Capt. Randy Smart told the media in a press conference on Wednesday that the severity of the burn was such that her skin was literally burned off. The toddler is currently being treated at a North Carolina burn unit.

Police are charging the stepmother with felony child abuse and also say that the toddler’s father, Jamie Allen Thompson, age 23, will also be charged as an accessory. According to police, he allegedly coached his wife, Susan Lorraine Thompson, 22, on how to lie to the police and medical staff. Susan Thompson claims that the toddler was accidentally scalded when she tried to rinse her cut, but authorities say otherwise. The toddlers arm was burned from her finger to her elbow and police believe the parents were very aware of how hot their water was in the trailer home in which they live.