Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Police: Dad abandons child in car chase (Clifton, Ohio)

Seems like I've come across a remarkable number of cases like this. Daddies who abandoned the kids when they were pulled over by the police and/or crashed the car. The latest dad is KEITH PRATHER.

Police: Dad abandons child in chase
4:59 AM, Mar. 3, 2011

Written by
Jennifer Baker

CLIFTON – A father is accused of abandoning his small child in a vehicle after crashing it and fleeing from police Wednesday.

Keith Prather, 31, of Over-the-Rhine, faces charges that include child endangering, obstructing official business and reckless driving.

Cincinnati police took him into custody in the 800 block of Ludlow Avenue about 4:30 p.m. after he drove his vehicle erratically and crashed it into a tree, court documents show.

Prather bailed from the car, leaving his child strapped in a car seat, and ran about 100 yards before giving up. It was not immediately clear how old the child is.