Susan Murphy Milano is one of my personal heroes, so I'm happy to forward this media release to Dastardly readers.
Many speak for justice, but few have the courage to face down the devil in its name.
October 15, 2010 National USA……With the arrival in Oklahoma of nationally-known author, media personality and activist, Susan Murphy Milano, there begins the process of shedding more light on some of Oklahoma's darkest secrets. For years, families have struggled in this State with a "good ole boy" system that delivered not justice, but cold justice.
The families affected by this system of justice in Garvin County, Oklahoma have called on Murphy Milano to help them bring national attention to the alleged corruption surrounding several cases of possible murder that have been covered up or improperly investigated by those sworn into positions of authority.
The climate is quite hostile and the safety of those speaking out has been threatened.
According to Attorney Jaye Mendros, “When a murder is covered up, or inadequately investigated, and an erroneous cause or manner of death determination is made by a good ole' boy who is NOT a physician, the Medical Examiner’s Office should NOT turn a blind eye and rubber stamp that determination.”
With the help of Oklahoma City attorney, Jaye Mendros, and Justice for the Dead, along with grass roots organization, The Eleventh Commandment, and the families of Chanda Turner, Sheila Deviney, Tom Horton, and others, they hope to illuminate the overwhelming evidence and bring justice to those who have gone without it for too long.
This corruption begs for national attention from major news networks. In an upcoming election is a Sheriff who was present at each of these death scenes.
Does Garvin County, Oklahoma want more of the same?
For more information:
Contact: ImaginePublicity 843.808.0859 (email) ImaginePublicitymarketing.promotions.publicity