Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stabbed mother 'had been domestic violence victim" (Surrey, England, United Kingdom)

"Why doesn't she leave?" You hear this all the time. If you still don't get why women and children "don't leave", read about dad THAKER RAMANLAL. His wife and children had been trying to get away from his violence for years. The police had been called, but since Dad was never put away for good, it just provoked him more. The mom finally got an order barring Dad from the house after he attacked her with a hammer. So he stabbed her to death at work.

Stabbed mother 'had been domestic violence victim'
(UKPA) – 1 hour ago

A mother stabbed to death in the Surrey shop where she worked had been subjected to domestic violence for years, her daughter told the Old Bailey.

Varsha Champaclal, 43, was found with her throat cut in the storeroom of Peacocks clothing store in Mitcham in February last year.

The prosecution allege her rejected call centre worker husband, Thaker Ramanlal, 48, killed her on Friday 13 after she gained a court order barring him from the house after he attacked her with a hammer.

Daughter Nazari, 21, described how she locked herself in the bathroom and called police during the incident six months before her mother's death.

She said she had tried to stop her father beating her mother up, but this had provoked him more and he ordered her to bring down the youngest child.

"He said 'That's it. All three of you are going to die today. I am going to slam your head with a hammer'.

Tearfully she described other attacks over the years and their fears of what would happen if they called the police.

She had been kicked and punched in the nose in 2001 when she attempted get help.

"He told me 'if you do that again, I will kill you'. I thought no-one could protect us."

Ramanlal, of Coombe Lane, Kingston, denies murder but claims he should be found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.