Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dad convicted of convincing children to beat mom (Lawrence, Kansas)

Dad ARTHUR DAVIS III should have a special word created to describe just him, something a little stronger than "depraved." Funny that you haven't seen the local fathers rights people yelling "parental alienation" on this one. That's because (according to them) only MOMS turn the children against the father. It's just IMPOSSIBLE for it to go the other way, you know. It just doesn't count. Doesn't compute.

But frankly, this isn't "alienation." It's the disturbing attempts of a violent abuser to intimidate and brainwash his kids. This is miles away from a little grumbling or complaining on the part of the custodial parent. Or a kid who doesn't want to visit you because he doesn't like your new girlfriend. It's not even close.

Man convicted of convincing children to beat mom

A Douglas County jury convicted a Lawrence man of encouraging his children to try and kill their mother by assaulting her with a baseball bat.

The jury deliberated for three hours Tuesday before finding 61-year-old Arthur Davis III guilty of attempted first-degree murder, aggravated kidnapping and contributing to a child's misconduct.

Prosecutors say Davis encouraged his 12-year-old daughter and 15-year-old son to kill his ex-wife on June 16. After the children began beating her, Davis went to her house and helped with the attack.

The woman was able to escape and ran down the road to seek help.

Prosecutors say the attack was prompted by a child custody dispute. The girl was granted immunity and testified against her father. The Davis' son will be tried as a juvenile.