Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dad to be sentenced in murder of 2-year-old daughter (Detroit, Michigan)

Not mentioned here--but mentioned in previous articles--is that the murder took place during dad D'ANDRE LANE's visitation.

Monday sentence for dad in missing child's death

DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit father who prosecutors say faked a carjacking to cover up the slaying of his 2-year-old daughter faces sentencing Monday for first-degree murder and child abuse.

A jury convicted 32-year-old D'Andre Lane on Oct. 12. The law requires Wayne County Circuit Judge Vonda Evans to sentence him to life in prison without possibility of parole on the murder charge.

Lane told police that daughter Bianca Jones was in the back seat of his car in Detroit's North End neighborhood on Dec. 2, 2011, when the vehicle was taken at gunpoint.

The car was found less than an hour later, but the girl was no longer inside.

Bianca's body has never been found.