Of course it's an UNNAMED DAD.
Father of 7-Year-Old Girl Commits Hideous Sex Crime
posted (October 4, 2011)
Another hideous sex offence against a child has come to the fore.
A 28 year old man who allegedly attempted to sexually assault his 7 year old daughter was charged with three sexual offences when he appeared today in the #4 Magistrate's court.
We can't tell you who he is or show you his picture because it could lead to the identity of the child. But we can tell you that the incident is alleged to have occurred on Sunday October second. The mother reported that she, her daughter and the child's father were sleeping in the same bed when she got up to use the bathroom and noticed that father and daughter were missing. When she investigated she saw her common law husband on top of the 7 year old.
He was charged with aggravated assault, attempted carnal knowledge and attempting to commit an unnatural crime.