Given that Mom had previously sought a restraining order, I think we can safely conclude that dad ED IMAD DHOU was your typical abuser daddy who murdered his son in order to punish the mom for leaving him. Three weeks before this murder, he made death threats which the mother reported. What more evidence could you need? The "mercy" killing line is pure bull malarkey.
Dad's motive elusive in Los Gatos murder-suicide
The Associated Press
Published: Friday, Aug. 5, 2011 - 12:27 pm
LOS GATOS, Calif. -- Santa Clara County investigators are trying to establish whether a wealthy developer who fatally shot his 22-year-old son and then himself was motivated by misguided compassion or a desire to seek revenge on his estranged wife.
The San Jose Mercury News reports ( that Ed Imad Daou's wife wrote in an application for a restraining order three weeks before he killed himself and their son, Andrew, on July 27 that her husband was physically abusive and had threatened to kill her and their children if she sought help.
But Carmen Hamady Daou said Ed Daou also had bought a gun last year and promised to use it on Andrew to keep the young man from suffering. At the time, Andrew Daou was undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma.
An autopsy showed he was cancer-free when his father killed him, according to the Mercury News.