I have no doubt that these study results could be replicated in Canada, the US, Australia, and any number of other countries around the world. In general, social service agencies--due to the influence of the fathers rights movement and traditional patriarchal thinking--are more interested in maintaining the father's "right" to his child victims than in maintaining the safety of babies and children. Or the mothers of those children.
Not much evidence here that poor oppressed daddies are being "robbed" of their kids, is there?
3rd Feb 11
Social services blamed for children being abused by fathers
by Natasha Redman
A report has found that nearly 90 per cent of men who abuse their children remain in close contact with them. It claims social services are not preventing or monitoring abusive and violent fathers. The study was the first to investigate the role of children’s services in cases of abusive fathers.
The report, Working with Risky Fathers, was primarily concerned with men that don’t live with their children. Family Rights Group (FRG) said abusive fathers were routinely being overlooked by children’s services. It claimed this placed the children at risk of further emotional and physical harm.
The report was launched by the FRG and the Parenting Fund. It found that 88 per cent of the fathers surveyed in the study remained in contact with their children despite abusive histories. It also said there was a huge deficit in the assessment of the risk these men presented to their children.
The group’s survey found that in 46 per cent of cases child services didn’t have the birth father’s phone number. It also found that in over 60 per cent of cases the father’s parenting capacity was unknown. The report surveyed case files of domestic abuse over an 11-year period.
Chief executive of FRG Cathy Ashley said if these men are not assessed, dangerous fathers may have access to their children. She said the report highlighted the fact that mothers were often left to protect their children. This is even the case when the mothers are also being abused, added Ashley.