Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dad guilty of manslaughter in death of 4-month-old son (West Bromwich, England, United Kingdom)

Dad DANNY WARR was just sooo annoyed at being asked to get up in the middle of the night and tend to the baby. So basically he "rocked" the baby hard enough to cause fatal brain damage. These guys are SOOO hot on getting joint custody or custody AFTER the separation or divorce. But most of the time, they don't want to do the actual work in caring for an infant or young child (e.g. real co-parenting). They just want to punish the mom and/or avoid child support.

Father shook his own baby to death
Saturday 5th February 2011, 11:30AM GMT.

A father from the Black Country was facing jail today after he was convicted of shaking his four-month-old son to death.

Danny Warr shook baby Jayden so hard at the home he shared with the baby’s mother in West Bromwich, he caused “catastrophic and unsurvivable” brain injuries.

The 26-year-old was yesterday found guilty of manslaughter but acquitted of a charge of assault.

A jury at Wolverhampton Crown Court heard Warr’s former girlfriend, Rebecca Lloyd, woke Warr at their home in Bromford Lane in June 2009 to get him to look after the child.

But instead of helping the baby go back to sleep, Miss Lloyd claimed he rocked Jayden in his basket with force before dropping it. She said she “had a go” at Warr and went downstairs, but then heard Jayden scream.

Jayden was rushed to Sandwell General Hospital where he was put on a life support machine before being moved to intensive care at Alder Hay Hospital in Liverpool, where he died six days later on June 24.

The youngster suffered bleeding around the brain and eyes and extensive brain injury due to lack of oxygen.

Miss Sally Howes QC, prosecuting, said his heart stopped beating in a “catastrophic collapse”.

She said: “The medical experts who treated Jayden are of the opinion that the nature, extent and combination of his injuries indicated an assault involving a shaking or a throwing action.”

In his defence, Warr said he had been annoyed with Miss Lloyd for waking him up because he believed he had been the last one to feed the baby.

Warr will be sentenced at the crown court on February 25.

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