Yet another dad who can't manage to hold down the home front while Mom is forced to work and support his lazy @$$. This time, the daddy is identified as FERNANDO GARFIAS-DE JESUS.
Published: Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011
Updated: Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011
Bradenton man arrested on child neglect charges
MANATEE -- A Bradenton man was arrested on child neglect charges after his children were seen outside unsupervised Wednesday, the sheriff’s office reports.
The sheriff’s office got a call around 5 p.m. about two small children, 5 and 7, playing alone in a parking lot in the 200 block of 34th Avenue Drive East, according to a media release.
Fernando Garfias-De Jesus, 39, arrived at the scene shortly before deputies, who were told by three witnesses that he left the children alone for about 30 minutes and that it had happened before, the release stated.
The children appeared to be in good health, but they said they were unsure of what to do in case of an emergency while their father was gone, according to the report.
Their mother was working at the time and denied any knowledge of this behavior from Garfias-De Jesus, the report stated.
Garfias-De Jesus was being held without bond at the Manatee County jail.