Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dad found guilty of courthouse bomb threat after losing child custody (Adrian, Michigan)

For years, the fathers rights movement has turned thug dads like LINNE WADELL HARRISON into Big Martyrs and Heroes to the Cause. We've been told again and again that the reason these poor daddees act out like this is because they're depressed, oppressed, and generally misunderstood. If only we were nicer (i.e. caved in) to the terrorists, er, fathers, they might not be "driven" to bomb things or kill people, don't you know.

Well here were are in 2011, with fathers rights on the ascendant. As you can see from a lot of the posts below, even never married fathers who never had anything to do with the kids can get custody--and with no evaluation as to the father's fitness either. Before we were told that daddies acted out violently because they were frustrated by their lack of "access." Now they have full access, shut out the mother entirely, and still murder the kids--either because childcare itself is "frustrating" (those damn crying babies!) or because it's just a dandy way to get revenge against "that bitch" for leaving the daddy's sorry @$$ behind.

Which leads us to Harrison. Seriously, folks. Think about this now. A guy who threatens to blow up the courthouse because he didn't get his way in a custody battle, a guy who intimidates a witness in his case--just what do you think his "frustration" threshhold would have been with a child's "misbehavior" had he been granted custody?

Got to hand it to this dude, though. He suffered a "fugue" state memory blackout, so he doesn't remember what happened? Nice touch there, big guy.

By the way, bomb threats have been standard procedure for the UK Fathers4Justice group for years. Bomb threats by what "appear" to be lone disgruntled fathers are not unknown in the U.S. either (see But generally, just as the media has assured us that every political assassination is by a "lone nut" unconnected to any larger movement or organization, so it is with all these "lone dads." The media seldom investigates whether these fathers have been encouraged, abetted, or supported in any way by fathers rights organizations. It was not the general media, but bloggers, who uncovered the links connecting JOHN MUHAMMED (i.e. the D.C. Sniper) and fathers rights. For example, see Cindy Ross's pioneering piece here:

Indiana father guilty of Lenawee County court bomb threat
Posted 28 minute(s) ago

By Dennis Pelham
Daily Telegram
Posted Jan 07, 2011 @ 02:59 PM

ADRIAN, Mich. — An Indiana dad was found guilty Thursday of threatening to blow up the Lenawee County judicial building after losing a child custody battle with a former girlfriend in circuit court last year.

Linnie Wadell Harrison pleaded no contest to a charge of making a false bomb threat. Lenawee County Circuit Judge Timothy P. Pickard found him guilty after reviewing testimony from a Sept. 9 hearing. Harrison’s attorney in the custody case said he made bomb threats while discussing an appeal of a custody ruling by Judge Margaret M.S. Noe.

Harrison’s attorney in the criminal case, Steven Hyder of Monroe, said his client did not recall the threats because he had suffered a blackout and memory loss of the July 30 meeting.

According to attorney Dawn Van Dusen’s testimony, said Pickard, “He did indicate or make a threat that he was going to blow up the courthouse.”

The 51-year-old Fort Wayne man also pleaded guilty to an added charge of witness intimidation. He admitted threatening his former girlfriend’s husband before he was to testify at a hearing in the child custody case on April 12.

The plea agreement includes a limit on the potential sentence to no more than a 23-month to four-year prison term.

The two charges involved in the plea bargain carry a maximum four-year prison term. A charge of false threat of terrorism carrying a maximum 20-year term and a third-offense habitual offender charge are to be dismissed at sentencing. A third habitual offender conviction would have made a life prison term possible.

Harrison was returned to jail to await sentencing, tentatively set by Pickard for March 4.
Harrison has been unable to post a $400,000 bond set after he was arrested in August. He pleaded not guilty at his arraignment in circuit court on Sept. 29. A jury trial was scheduled to begin next week.

The plea agreement was reached shortly after noon Thursday following several hours of discussions among Harrison, his attorney and a prosecutor.