Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dad indicted in death of 10-month-old daughter (Akron, Ohio)

We've posted on this case several times over the past year. Dad JOHN JONES fought to keep his infant daughter on life support--basically so he wouldn't have to face murder charges. He lost that fight. And now he's been indicted for murder--in addition to felonious assault.

Teen father indicted in daughter's death
By Beacon Journal staff

POSTED: 07:22 p.m. EDT, Nov 02, 2010

An Akron teen who unsuccessfully fought to keep his critically injured infant daughter on life-support has been indicted in her death.

A Summit County grand jury indictment against John Jones, 17, was announced Tuesday.

Jones is accused of murder, two counts of felonious assault and three counts of child endangering.
He was originally charged in Juvenile Court. However, prosecutors sought to have him tried as an adult.

In April, Jones sued in Probate Court to stop his former girlfriend from removing life support from their injured 10-month-old daughter, Jada Ruiz Jones.

At the time, John Jones was being held at the Juvenile Detention Center, accused by Akron police of inflicting the injuries that left the girl with brain damage and fractures to her legs and arm.

Jones first called authorities the morning of March 19, when Jada stopped breathing. He was in their Akron apartment with Jada, her twin, Jzmine, and their 2-year-old brother, Ty'shaun. The children's mother, Deja Ruiz, then 19, was at school.

Probate Judge Bill Spicer eventually approved the mother's request to have Akron Children's Hospital doctors remove life support, and Jada died on July 16.

Jones is to be arraigned Friday in Common Pleas Court. He previously pleaded not guilty and will remain in juvenile custody until his 18th birthday next month.