Once again, nobody in authority followed up on UNNAMED DAD, despite the 'at-risk' fears. And how can you write a story about a 7-week-old infant with no mention of the baby's mother? It's as if this child was brought to Daddy by a stork. Or was "birthed" without any mother actually doing the birthing.
Dad cracked baby's ribs despite 'at-risk' fears
By zena hawley
A SEVEN-WEEK-OLD baby suffered three fractured ribs and a spilt lip at the hands of his father after he was allowed home from hospital despite fears for his safety.
But officials from the city council, Derby Hospitals, NHS Derby City and Derbyshire Police say lessons have been learned and new care systems implemented.
A Serious Case Review found:
Days after the baby's birth, his father told a midwife he had "squeezed" him.
A social worker took the baby to be examined at hospital.
There was "some concern" the baby may have been harmed, but the "evidence wasn't there" and he was sent home.
The baby was deemed to be a "child in need" and there was a watching brief kept.
The baby was examined again six weeks later and again allowed home.
Two hours later, the extent of injuries was finally realised at hospital when X-rays were re-examined.
Jo Davidson, in charge of child safety in Derby, said yesterday: "Lessons have been learned and changes made."
The baby's father was given a suspended sentence for assault.