Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dad arrested after he leaves 6 kids--including 1-year-old--at home alone (Sanford, Florida)

It really isn't relevant whether dad DURAND BROWN was a teacher, a lawyer, or a mechanic. It was as a FATHER that he left six kids (including a 1-year-old) alone for at least three hours--allegedly while he went to the grocery store. But I wouldn't doubt that the grocery store part is a lie, just like the "I was only gone for 2o minutes" part is a lie.

And where is the mother of these children? Is this a single dad?


Teacher arrested after his son wanders off
Sanford man, who teaches in Eustis, told police he left 6 children alone while he bought groceries

October 04, 2010By Susan Jacobson, Orlando Sentinel

A Eustis Middle School teacher was arrested Sunday after he left his 1-year-old son in the care of an older sibling while he went to the grocery store, Sanford police said.

Durand Brown, who teaches special education, told police he was gone for 20 minutes, a report shows. An officer, however, determined that six children were left alone for nearly three hours.

A neighbor called 911 after she found the 1-year-old boy wearing only a soiled diaper, a report shows. The child standing outside a gate to her apartment complex on Florida Street about 5:20 p.m., according to the report.