Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Custodial dad faces trial AGAIN for "allegedly" biting 4-year-old son's eye (Bakersfield, California)

We've posted on custodial dad ANGELO MENDOZA before. Note that I did not use the word "man" as the headline does below. I also want to bring out that this father was in fact awarded custody of this child, and not just simply a dad who was hanging around. And that's a fact that NOBODY is taking responsibility for, whether this eye-biting angel-dust freak is "competent" or not.

Man again faces trial for allegedly biting son's eye
The man accused of biting out one of his son's eyes will again face criminal charges.

Story Created: Oct 5, 2010 at 10:37 AM PDT
Story Updated: Oct 5, 2010 at 10:39 AM PDT

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. -- The man accused of biting out one of his son's eyes will again face criminal charges.

A year ago in August, Angelo Mendoza was found mentally incompetent, and charges stemming from the April 2009 attack were put on hold.

Mendoza has now been ruled mentally competent to stand trial, which is scheduled to begin in November. His charges include torture and child cruelty.

Mendoza's 4-year-old son, Angelo Mendoza Jr., was discovered by a neighbor lying naked in a bloody heap on the floor of an Ohio Drive apartment. The boy told officers, "My daddy ate my eyes," and, "Daddy bit my eyes and hands," according to Bakersfield police reports.

Mendoza is in a wheelchair with a spinal cord injury, and police said he rolled away from his apartment after the alleged attack and started hacking away at his leg with an ax. Police reported that Mendoza was showing signs of being under the influence of the psychedelic drug best known as PCP or angel dust during the alleged abuse.

Criminal proceedings have been delayed multiple times because Mendoza was in poor medical condition and refused to communicate with his attorney.