Dad TAVORIS DOSHAUN MCNEIL has been arrested on drug and child abuse charges for engaging in "rough play" with his 4-year-old son, who developed bruising on his ear. Daddy carried out this "rough play" while in the possession of cocaine, which suggests his judgement as to what consititutes appropriate "play" with a 4-year old may have been just slightly impaired.
Father blames child abuse on rough play
August 13, 2010 7:38 AM
Kevin Ellis
A 30-year-old father told police he and his 4-year-old son often play rough, including slapping each other in the face.
But police charged Tavoris Doshaun McNeil of 212 S. Skyland Drive with misdemeanor child abuse Thursday after the boy had bruising on his ear, according to a warrant affidavit.
McNeil also faces a felony possession of a controlled substance related to cocaine residue. Gaston County Police Officer G.H. Dow noticed a green straw in the side pocket of McNeil's cargo pocket with a white residue inside of it.
Dow performed a field test and it came back positive by turning blue, Dow wrote in a warrant affidavit.
McNeil was jailed under a $5,000 bond on the drug and child abuse charge.