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Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day Protest at White House Against Organized Crime in Family Courts (Washington, DC_

News about yesterday's protest. Hope you were there!

Mothers Day Protest At White House Against Organized Crime in Family Courts
14 hours ago Washington, District of Columbia Vetting explained Posted by:

Last updated: 13 hours ago

iReport — BREAKING STORY: Hundreds of Mothers, Victim Children, Fathers and their supporters protested outside the White House on Mother's Day against the organized crime that is occurring in many of the family courts of the United States. Speakers included Kathleen Russell, Eileen King (Justice of Children), and Mildred Mohamud, whose case involving the custody of her children led to the Beltway Sniper's rampage of killing a dozen persons in the Washington DC area several years ago. Lessons have not been learned, and the problems have gotten worse in the United States . The United States continues to refuse to join the rest of the world and recognize the rights of children -- in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The US helped draft it, but has been the only country that has failed to ratify it.

The group called on President Obama for a full federal investigation into the family court system and time for the US to sign the convention on the rights of the child.