Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Monday, May 10, 2010

Judge sentences dad to 2-6 years for stabbing mom at child's birthday party (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania)

This is "refusing to go easy?" Just 2-6 years for violating a protection order and stabbing the mother of your children at a child's birthday party? All because she wouldn't "let him" spend the night in her home, though she did "let him" (which means NOTHING within the context of a protection order) come to the party? This guy is a freaking menace, and we're lucky this woman wasn't killed, leaving her children motherless. As it is, the children are traumatized and anxious from the incident--which is perfectly understandable.

And note that this POS owes $15,000 in unpaid child support. Who the hell is he to make demands regarding party invitations?,0,634048.story

Judge refuses to go easy on dad who stabbed his children's mother

Of The Morning Call

12:42 p.m. EDT, May 10, 2010

In handing down a 2- to 6-year state prison sentence this morning, Northampton County Judge Edward Smith said it was "inexplicable" that a father would go to his children's birthday party and then stab their mother twice while they watched.

The crime happened shortly after Jan. 17 in south Bethlehem when Darnell Gregory, 37, of Bethlehem, was told he couldn't spend the night at his ex-girlfriend's home where the party was held, according to court records.

As his 13-year-old and 7-year-old children watched from a staircase, Gregory took a steak knife and stabbed his ex-girlfriend, Priscilla Velez, in leg twice and cut the hand of her cousin, Orlando Quezado. She required stitches.

"It's inexplicable that being told you could not stay over would bring such a violent response," Smith said.

Velez, who has known Gregory for 14 years, said she had gotten a protection-from-abuse order against him last year after he had smashed beer can in her face. But, she testified, she allowed him to come to the birthday party.

She said the stabbing has really affected her 13-year-old son who won't let her go out of the house by herself. "He's afraid his father will come back and do something to me," she said.

She said Gregory has alcohol dependency and anger issues.

In court, Gregory said he took "responsibility for his actions." He had pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated assault and two counts of terroristic threats.

Through his attorney, Gregory, a mechanic, asked to be sentenced locally so he could be eligible for work release. Gregory still owes $15,000 in back child support payments.

Smith disagreed. Noting the severity of the crime, he sentenced Gregory in the aggravated range of the sentencing guidelines. Assistant District Attorney Lara Mammana argued Gregory "clearly has no respect for the law" and makes excuses for his actions.