Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Ephiphany - by Gail Lakritz

Powerful post by Gail Lakritz at OpEdNews. A must read. Make sure you go to the source and leave comments.

The Epiphany

By Gail Lakritz (about the author)

For OpEdNews: Gail Lakritz - Writer

Way back, oh, it must have been 1988 or so, I remember seeing an article in the New York Times. It was a beautiful summers day, and as was our custom, my husband, mother-in-law and I were sitting around, drinking coffee and passing a lazy morning by mindlessly flipping and reading, our actions halting on an article here and there to acquire or expand bits of knowledge. One of the articles caught my eye.

The lead picture was that of a well dressed woman standing in front of a non-descript older model car. I remember her wearing a scarf draped over her shoulders and held neatly in place by a small broach on her left side. She looked like anyone I could have seen at any of the chic stores that dotted Route 1 in Westport, Connecticut, where the article was datelined. Through the windows of the car, the photograph revealed piles of cloths.

As I read the article, I learned a lot about the woman, though to this day, I do not remember her name. She had been married to a wealthy man. They had split, though the article did not say why. In the ensuing divorce, she had lost everything. She lived in her car in Westport where her friends were and where she had resided with her husband before the divorce. Though she remained in contact with her friends, none knew, until the article appeared, that she was homeless and penniless. The Times article, though not actually siding with her, was pointedly informing the public of a growing and disturbing trend. The author wanted the public to know that the courts were, at an alarming rate, making women homeless in cases of divorce.

I did not realize, way back then, that the courts would do this to me. I did not realize, though I should have, it was right there in black and white, that our government would sanction abuse of its own citizens. They knew, even back then, what was going on, and turned their back to it.

Last night, as I laid in my bed, dreaming, that day and the article came back to me. It was as though a divine being was bringing me full circle, using that memory. I was seeing something clearly and with such a concise thought process, that the clouds that had enshrouded me for the last several years of living this hell, suddenly parted. I now understand why our government has abandoned its women and children.

Along with the memory, came the realization that our government knows, and has known for many years, what is happening to the women and children in this nation, and why it condones and supports the continued abuse. For, it is the strong that prevail and the weak who lose. They are simply weeding out the weak. Culling the crops if you will. The government is doing its job, protecting and defending, but not those who seek protection and defense, but those who can pay for it.

Humans have the ability of flight or fight. Ultimate power depends on lower powers to exist. If one of the weaker ones suddenly finds strength and decides to fight, they must be swiftly and deftly dealt with. They must be removed from society so that they do not infect society. All citizens must acquiesce to the ultimate power of government and the levels of power that it spawns below that ultimate level.

The basis of our court system is not right or wrong. It is not protection from those who would take advantage of an unsuspecting, innocent victim. It exists to maintain power where it currently lies. It is for blood sport. The perceived weaker litigant, the victim, who has the courage and determination to challenge the power structure, the one with no money to pay for a stand-in Gladiator, must withstand, until death finally releases them, having flesh ripped from bone, with the hyenas both devouring the flesh and drinking the blood of the victim. The courtroom is nothing more than a government sanctioned Roman Coliseum where spectators, in this case, the perpetrator of the original crime and their cadre of paid allies, including the judge, can witness the mutilation and death of another human being.

Themis is dead. She died from the carnage of the courts long before any of today's victims saw the inside of a courtroom. Her coffin lays empty, because there is nothing left of her body. Even her skeleton is scattered and so contaminated that DNA testing would reveal nothing of her identity. Her body is so ravaged, that she has attained the status of myth. All hail Themis, the Mythical Goddess of Justice, for myth is all that remains of you.

How did we get to this point? Why has our own government done this to its women and children? When will it end? When will our government intervene in the courts to bring justice to victims of any crime? The answer can only be, dream on, citizens of Amerika, for the oligarchy that controls the courts and justice, the ones who killed Themis and feasted on her body, require more blood and flesh to thrive. And it is your blood and flesh they desire.

For whatever reason, money or power, our government turned its back on the oppressed populations within its own boarders long ago. It must have realized that for those in power, there must be a base of power. This is, by no means, a bolstering of any conspiracy theory, but rather a statement of greed. In order for power to exist, there must be a base for that power. Rocks from which to build a foundation. If a rock is weakened, it must be discarded, or the entire building will fall. We, for lack of money or influence, are the weakened rocks. We cannot support the greed and lust for power, therefore, we are not good for foundation building. The pile has been picked over, and we have already been discarded.

And there are so many more who have become valueless and must be removed from the pile. The work of picking over the pile is never ending. We all, at least those unlucky enough to, get old. Once old, we have served our purpose. They, too, must be stripped of their dignity and removed from the pile. The weak must be eliminated, for all great societies are built on the strong.

This is why our government knows what is happening in the court system and why it doesn't care. We are the weak, the ones who were beaten or raped. We must be the weaker ones to have allowed this to happen to us. Our courts have tacitly been assigned the task of ridding the United States of those of us who are weak. Not in a conspiratorial way, for I doubt that anyone has outright stated or made a list of the condemned, but the courts know whose body must be preyed upon. Whose life must be disposed of.

Our nation glorifies the strong. It always has. In the formation of our country, it was those we revere now, as our founding fathers. Today, that strength lies in money and power. Our system of government rewards those who are the superior criminals. The individuals who can, through abuse, control others. Not unlike an army, the stronger ones work their way up through the ranks, doing the bidding of those who are in a position of power they wish to attain, licking their boots and backsides, so as to attain a modicum of power themselves. Perhaps they were tacit to illegal dealings, even taking their small cut of the booty, and that has earned them their rank in the system. I do know for a fact, that for most of the winners in the system, it is not their first and only brush with trouble. The losers, on the other hand, have most likely never been in trouble. That is as it is in my case. He is a convicted felon, and an identified deadbeat dad. I had never even had a parking ticket. I had no experience with the system, therefore, no forewarning of how the system honored power and greed. No experience with the unlawful attorneys, the corrupt police and judges who inhabit the system. I, admittedly, was stupid and believed that justice, the now dead Themis, would prevail.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed as they say. If you are the weaker, the beaten and abused. If there is a crack anywhere. If you do stand up for yourself immediately and without hesitation, no one is going to respect you. If a lawyer says "let me handle it" you are being led to slaughter. If you are not prepped by your lawyer, interrogated and ripped to pieces by them before ever stepping foot in a courtroom, you are being thrown to the hyenas. If your lawyer suddenly has to relieve themselves or visit the court clerk's office leaving you alone in a hall to be intimidated by opposing counsel or the "other guy", you have been marked. If a judge does not allow you to complete testimony or refuses witnesses or evidence on your behalf, if court records are changed and testimony altered in transcripts, you are working with dirty lawyers on both sides, for games are not played alone. You have no hope of winning. He can kill you or your children, and the judge will only laugh. Laugh all the way to the bank in which he keeps his deposits of money or power Being a judge is not a position based on competency, but one of ability to amass and retain power.