Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dad tries to poison two children with brake fluid; blames "break up" of his marriage (Wyoming, Michigan)

We just reported on dad JOSE OLIVA ROSA. Now we find out Dad blames his attempted murder of his two young children on his "trouble coping with the break up of his marriage." Of course, these types always blame an abstraction; they are never personally responsible for their individual actions that caused the mother to seek a divorce--namely domestic violence and abuse. And of course, they don't take any responsibility for crimes against innocent children. It's always somebody else's fault. Mom had just filed an Order of Protection, but note that Daddy still had visitation with the children. When are the courts going to figure it out? If Daddy's not safe around Mom, he's not safe around the kids either.

Dad Tries To Kill Kids
Posted Friday May 28, 2010 7 hours, 39 minutes ago

WYOMING (WKZO) -- A quick police response to a 9-1-1 call may have saved the lives of two kids who were allegedly being forced to drink a toxic mixture of brake fluid, and over the counter drugs from sippy cups by their father at a home on Milan St. in Wyoming. Police say he intended to poison the 2 year old boy and 6 year old girl and then stab himself to death.

Capt. Brad Schutter says they forced their way in and rushed the kids to the hospital yesterday. Neighbors say that Jose Oliva Rosa let everyone know he was having trouble coping with the break-up of his marriage.

The kids were treated and released. Rosa was immediately arrested and is being held without bond for attempted murder, child abuse and poisoning. The courts had just issued his wife a personal protection order, requiring Rosa to keep his distance.