Yet another unemployed/underemployed UNNAMED DAD who "allegedly" shook his infant son while banging his head, causing a traumatic brain injury. Notice that the working mom was the one who took him to the doctor when she noticed the child was crying and vomiting, not the stay-at-home daddy.
Father charged with child abuse following October incident
By Austin L. Miller
Staff writer
Published: Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 11:33 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 11:34 a.m.
OCALA - A 42-year-old man was arrested Wednesday and charged with child abuse of his then 5-month-old son, according to officials.
The child was taken to Shands at the University of Florida Hospital in Gainesville after suffering traumatic brain injury last October.
The mother of the child told deputies when she returned to her southwest home from work on Oct. 10, she noticed her son’s eyes were red and swollen. She asked the child’s father what was wrong and he claimed the boy was crying all day. The woman said when she attempted to feed the child, he vomited several times.
The next day, the child again vomited. While bathing him, the mother noticed a bump on his head. She took the boy to the doctor and it was discovered the child had brain injury caused by physical abuse.
The child’s father told officials his son was on the couch when his older sibling ran to the couch, startling him. Thinking the child would fall, the man said he placed his hand in front in an attempt to catch him. But, he said, the boy threw himself backward and may have hit the arm of the couch.
He said he shook the child just prior to his injuries.
Further tests revealed that bleeding was caused by blunt impact to the child’s head. Officials say the mother told them the child was fine when she left for work.
The man was arrested Wednesday and taken to the Marion County Jail.