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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Abuse is Abuse (Oconto County, Wisconsin)

Great post from the Mama Liberty blog. Often times, personal blogs are the ONLY way these stories of abuse get out into the light of day.

May 25, 2010 mamaliberty

“Drinking and driving with his daughter doesn’t make him a bad father…he made a bad choice"

Really? Seriously a child protection worker from Oconto County Wisconsin told this to a Mother regarding one of her daughters fear to be around her father. That is right dear readers and the following story is not only going to sicken you it will make you angry.

In 2006 the Oconto County CPS was investigating child sex abuse allegations by a then 8 year old little girl. The worker went to the child’s school to interview her and when the other followed up with her she was told, among many other disturbing statements, that the father simply made a bad choice when he was arrested and charged with his third DUI with his minor child in the car.

The mother was outraged and rightly so. Child Protection Services (CPS) has nothing to do with child protection and here is one of many nightmares across the nation.

Two years later with the same little girl forced to visit her irresponsible father she told how her grandmother, her fathers mother, forced fed her soup. Not just yelling at a child to eat but forcefully shoving a wooden spoon into her mouth. When the child vomited the loving grandma made her eat that too. What any mother would have done with that information, short of violence, she called Oconto County CPS once again. When she was informed that the illustrious inept CPS worker was on the job again she knew that NOTHING would come from the latest abuse, and nothing did. I will post the recording from the hearing of the administrative appeal where you will hear for yourself this worker lie under oath, slander the mother and cover her own ass.

Perhaps the letter from her deputy director would help shed some light at lack of empathy and CPS just wanting to watch their own backs. It can be found here:

Fast forward to 2010, this same child continues to be abused by her father. Now that Oconto County KNOWS they screwed up they have passed the buck on to Brown County CPS. This child is now being physically abused by father and Brown County has screened out the abuse.
Screening out, as the supervisor explained so professionally, is they have determined that there is NO ongoing abuse and does not fit the criteria. Really? No ongoing abuse? No of course not. It probably has nothing to do with the bias against this mother and child. It probably does not have anything to do with them searching this blog and others for the inept social workers name either.

So in the mean time, this mother will try to protect her child, this child will try to survive and this blogger will continue to expose these criminals and the CPS in both counties now better save their pennies for a rainy day. As the supervisor said that they have a certain liability…you bet your ass they do….and boy do they!