Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Happy dad" murders 3 children on his custodial time (Melbourne, Australia)

More background on "happy dad" RAJESH "EDDIE" OSBORNE, who murdered his 3 children during their custodial time with him. Note that the children's mother lives elsewhere. This is what mandatory "shared" custody has lead to in Australia. Every sociopath who can convince people he's "loving" gets time with his kids no matter what. See post directly below this for more denials by HIS friends and family.

Hat tip to E.

Murder-suicide claims four
April 10, 2010

People who knew him say he was always happy, a gym junkie and caravan salesman who was incredibly proud of his three young children.

But today 37-year-old Rajesh "Eddie" Osborne was found dead in the bedroom of his Roxburgh Park home, in north Melbourne.

Beside him on the bed, police found a firearm and his three children - Asia, 12, Jairus, 10, and Grace, 7 - dead.

Two were slumped over the bed with gunshot wounds. Aisha was dead on the floor.

"Sometimes it's difficult to understand man's inhumanity to man," Homicide Detective Senior Sergeant Ron Iddles said of the suspected triple-murder-suicide.

"When a father takes the lives of his own three children, I can't comprehend it and I don't think anyone in the community can comprehend it.

"The father had told his girlfriend, her young daughter and his mother, who lives with him, to go shopping around 10.30am.

He stayed at home with his two daughters and his son, who had just turned 10.

The children's biological mother lives in another Melbourne suburb.

When his girlfriend and mother returned around 1.15pm, the front door was locked, and they figured the man had left the home with the kids.

It wasn't until they entered the house in Johnson Court and turned towards the main bedroom that the horror was revealed.

Adding to the tragedy, police say, the girlfriend's young daughter saw all four bloodied bodies in the bedroom.

Hearing the women's screams, neighbours dialled triple-zero.

Next-door neighbour Vasa Ikenaiso said the family, who moved to Melbourne a few years ago, had shown no signs of being unhappy.

They had been at her house the night before and were laughing and enjoying life, she said.

"He was always a happy dad. He loved his kids," she explained, rubbing her jaw. "How do I explain this to my own kids? Why did this happen? I don't understand it."

Friends of the slain children flocked into the street upon seeing police cars rush up to the home.

Parents spoke in hushed tones as forensic investigators crossed the police tape and entered the single-storey brick home.

"I'm very sad now," said 12-year-old Nicholas, who went to school with the children.

"I'll never see them again."

Another child simply pondered to anyone who would listen: "Is it true the man killed his own children?"

The deceased children's mother was notified by police by 6pm.

Osborne’s partner and mother have told police they are completely baffled and saw no warning signs.

"I think everybody here, every member of the police force, even the coroner's office, will be affected by this," Detective Iddles said, holding back tears.

"Every member of the police force here has children, and grandchildren."