Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dad with joint custody uses 2-year-old child as shield against police taser (Warren, Michigan)

Why the hell would anybody give dad JOSEPH RAYMOND COX joint custody of a 2-year-old child? It's quite clear that Daddy's violent, abusive, and volatile, and shouldn't be anywhere near any child. But such are the courts these days--any crazy sperm donor gets joint custody on demand.

So this is what went down. Daddy tries to force his way into his ex-wife's home. She calls the police. They say to call back "if he returned." Which is ridiculous, and just heightened the risk to everyone involved. Well, of course Daddy DID come back, and the police find him in a "fighting stance." The officers pull out their Tasers (stun guns) and Daddy grabs their 2-year-old, using him (or her--not clear which) as a shield. So Daddy put this toddler in potential danger so Daddy wouldn't get attacked. That's showing the love, man.

Fortunately, the officers were able to grab the dad and handcuff him, and an unidentified "witness" was able to retrieve the child. With no Tasers fired.

Daddy's been charged with 2nd degree child abuse, 3rd-degree home invasion, and resisting and obstructing police. But do you think Mom will get sole custody now, and get visitation eliminated for Daddy Dearest? Don't bet your rent money on it.

Report: Warren dad charged with child abuse after using 2-year-old to block police Taser
By Jonathan Oosting
April 01, 2010, 7:46AM

Warren police say 27-year-old Joseph Raymond Cox used his two-year-old child as a Taser shield following a domestic disturbance incident at his ex-wife's home.

And no, this is not an April Fools' joke.

The Macomb Daily reports Cox's ex-wife called police Saturday to report he had forced entry to her home in an apparent attempt to deliver diapers to the child they share joint custody of.

Police told her to call back if he returned, which he did, and officers arrived to find him in a "fighting stance," police Capt. Dennis DeVooght told the newspaper.

April 1, Macomb Daily: Officers pulled out their Tasers — a stun gun device — and pointed them at the accused father. Cox grabbed the child — the captain said police reports did not indicate the 2-year-old's gender — and positioned the child between him and the officers.

"He put the kid in harm's way because he didn't want to get Tasered," DeVooght said.

One officer grabbed the suspect's arm and a witness grabbed the child out of the way. Police then struggled to handcuff Cox.

Officers did not fire their Tasers, police said.

Thankfully, Warren police did not mistake the child for a stuffed animal.

Cox was arraigned Monday on charges of second-degree child abuse, third-degree home invasion and resisting and obstructing police. As of Wednesday, he remained in Macomb County Jail on a $15,000 cash or surety bond, with a preliminary hearing scheduled April 8.