Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dad charged with slamming head of 3-month-old son against couch (Kansas City, Missouri)

Dad WILLIAM B. DYCE has been charged with assault and child neglect for slamming the head of his 3-month-old son against a couch. It's the usual crap: Mom was working and Dad appears to be an unemployed/unemployable loser on probation. Of course, these types have no patience for crying babies, so they act out violently. Criminal daddies never make good babysitters.

Man charged with injuring 3-month-old

Jackson County prosecutors accused a Kansas City father of critically injuring his 3-month-old boy by slamming his head against a couch Friday night.

The police department’s homicide unit investigated the incident at 7:15 p.m. Friday in the 8600 block of E. 57th Street because of the seriousness of the boy’s injuries, but his condition is unavailable today.

Prosecutors charged William B. Dyce, 27, with assault and child neglect. He is in jail today with bond set at $150,000. He is also being held on a probation violation stemming from a Clay County stealing conviction.

Dyce summoned a neighbor’s help Friday night and said his son had rolled off the couch while he was outside smoking. But police told Dyce the boy’s injuries did not match the story.

Investigators said the boy had been crying and Dyce could not calm him. Officials believe that’s when Dyce picked the boy up by his arms and smashed his head into the arm of a couch. Police said the boy’s mother was at work.

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