Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dad arrested for beating 16-month-old daughter; child has multiple fractures, back injuries (Salt Lake City, Utah)

Mom had taken out an Order of Protection against UNNAMED DAD, but recently allowed him to move back in. That SAME DAY, Dad began to abuse their 16-month-old daughter. Within 9 days, this poor child had multiple fractures (2 breaks to her leg, 2 breaks to EACH OF HER ARMS) and back injuries. Dad had abused the baby a year before, too. I don't know why people think a tigers are going to change their stripes. They rarely do.

Father arrested for allegedly beating toddler
The Salt Lake Tribune

Updated: 01/11/2010 10:05:05 PM MST

A Salt Lake County man is accused of abusing his infant daughter, who was found to have multiple broken bones and injuries to her back.

The man, 21, was under a protective order barring contact with the girl's mother when the mother allowed him to move back in with her at a home near 800 West and 3900South in December, according to charges filed Monday.

Nine days later, the mother took the 16-month-old to a hospital, where doctors found she had suffered two breaks to her leg and two breaks to each of her arms, police wrote.

The girl had begun to show signs of those injuries the day her father moved back into the home, police wrote.

The father is charged with three second-degree felony counts of child abuse.

A year earlier, doctors had found injuries in her throat and several bruises, police wrote. Those injuries formed the foundation of one of the three felonies file Monday.

Erin Alberty