Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dad indicted for assaulting newborn triplet sons (Plaistow, New Hampshire)

Dad THOMAS CAMPO has been indicted on 37 COUNTS of assault in connection with the abuse of his newborn triplet sons. Out of the 37 counts, 17 involve first-degree assault.

Dad Accused Of Assaulting Newborn Triplets
Doctors Report Bruises, Broken Bones; Thomas Campo Indicted

POSTED: 11:22 pm EST December 7, 2009
UPDATED: 12:14 am EST December 8, 2009

PLAISTOW, N.H. -- A grand jury has indicted a Plaistow father accused of assaulting his triplets born earlier this year.

Thomas Campo, 43, was indicted Monday on 37 counts of assault on allegations of abuse that allegedly began shortly after the triplets were born.

This alleged abuse came to light when Campo's wife took one of their three babies to a hospital in Massachusetts for medical treatment. Doctors said they noticed bruises on the child's body, and X-rays revealed eight broken ribs along with two possible fractures.

Indictments unsealed at the Rockingham County Superior Court detail abuse that allegedly started almost as soon as the Campo triplets were born in April.

The county attorney's office confirmed that doctors concluded in their report that the bone fractures the babies suffered were consistent with shaking, rather than squeezing.

County attorney Jim Reams confirmed that, upon examination, the other babies also showed signs of abuse. One child sustained some sort of ear injury and had a bite mark, and the third child suffered a skull fracture and broken ribs.

Plaistow police arrested Campo in September, shortly after doctors made their diagnoses and contacted child services authorities.

In total, Campo faces 37 criminal charges related to his triplets' injuries -- 17 counts of first-degree assault and 20 counts of second-degree assault.

Campo will be arraigned at Rockingham County Superior Court sometime in the next month.