Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dad pleads guilty to incest with 16-year-old daughter (Fenwick Township, Ontario, Canada)

UNNAMED DAD has been sentenced to jail after pleading guilty to incest, sexual assault, and assault against his 16-year-old daughter. It's said that they shared the master bedroom in the home. Is this a single dad? If it wasn't, I'm sure we'd be hearing something about the mother for "allowing" this.

Father pleads guilty to incest with daughter, 16
Posted 5 hours ago

A Fenwick Township man was imprisoned Tuesday for having sex with his 16-year-old daughter.

The 40-year-old man was sentenced to 18 more months in jail after he pleaded guilty to incest, sexual assault and assault.

A court-ordered publication ban prohibits reporting any information that might identify the victim.

"You've not only lost your daughter but you have caused her significant emotional harm which she continues to deal with,'' Ontario Court Justice Andrew Buttazzoni told him after reading the girl's victim impact statement.

"One can't think of a more serious breach of trust, than a father and a child.''

The offences occurred between Jan. 1, 2008 and Aug. 23, 2008.

Buttazzoni heard the girl revealed what her father was doing when someone contacted the Ontario Provincial Police after he pushed her down and dragged her across the ground.

"She was very emotional'' as she spoke with an officer in a cruiser, prosecutor Nancy Komsa said.
The victim said she "wanted to confess'' that they had been having sex since January, the assistant Crown attorney said.

This occurred several times a day in his home where they shared the master bedroom or in his tractor trailer.

"She said he demanded sex from her two to three times a day,'' Komsa told the judge. "She said her father supplied very addictive drugs.''