Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Child porn dad escapes from jail (Lingfield, England, United Kingdom)

Dad KEANE INGRAM, who has admitted making indecent images of children, has escaped from jail.

Father caught with indecent images of children escapes jail
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A DAD who hid more than 34,000 indecent images of children has escaped jail.

Paedophile Keane Ingram, of Grove Road, Lingfield, admitted 20 charges of making indecent images of children last month and appeared at Guildford Crown Court for sentencing on Friday .

Prosecuting Kerry Nutting told the court the 29-year-old was caught as a result of Operation Flashgun carried out by Italian authorities in 2006.

They had been monitoring a bulletin board used by paedophiles, she said, and had passed UK computer IP addresses to local police.

Police arrested the father-of-one and seized 40 discs and computers from his home. A laptop also belonging to Ingram contained a "small number" of deleted images.

He admitted to police he used his computer to view the images while his wife was at work, Miss Nutting said. Images were encrypted and protected by passwords. Some were on disc and some on the three hard drives in his home computer.

When they searched Ingram's discs and computers police found 34,065 images in category one, the least serious, 104 in category two, 66 in category, 154 in category four and 11 in the most serious category, five, featuring young girls aged between eight and 10.

Defending Kate Longan said Ingram, a computer expert, admitted the offences immediately to police and gave them "detailed and careful" information about where the images were stored and passwords.

He had also asked for a second interview when he answered bail to give the police more information, she said.

Ingram was one of the first people to volunteer in a help program run by child protection charity the Lucy Faithful Foundation, the court heard.

Judge Christopher Critchlow said: "There are a massive number of category one images which, as the least serious, but there is also a reasonable number of category four and five images.

"I hope now you have been brought to court and prosecuted over these offences it will deter you from accessing such images again."

He added: "They show depraved behaviour and exploitations and abuse of young girls."
The judge expressed his concern that Ingram, who has a young baby with his wife, had used encryption programmes and erasing software to hide the images.

But he acknowledged Ingram's efforts to get help since his arrest, which included having security software installed on his computer and having his internet usage monitored.

Ingram was given a 36 month community order and enrolled on the internet sex offender treatment programme.

"If you break the order then you will almost certainly lose your liberty and go to prison," Judge Critchlow added.

Ingram, who has already signed onto the sex offenders register, was also ordered to pay £670 costs.