Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Friday, November 6, 2009

Boy abducted by dad reportedly dies in car crash (Lubbock, Texas)

I'm really sick to my stomach right now. Back on October 20, I posted on this case and predicted that this abduction would not end well. Sadly, I was right when I wish I had been wrong. This is the case where Dad MARIO ROMERO was a "person of interest" in the murder of his ex-wife and in the abduction of their 3-year-old son.

Reports say missing Denver City boy dies in crash
Posted: Nov 05, 2009 3:15 PM CST

LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) - NewsChannel 11 has learned of a tragic update in the case of a missing little boy from Denver City.

Mitchell Romero was the subject of an Amber Alert in mid-October and still is the subject of a missing persons report. His disappearance coincided with the murder of his mother. Police believe that Mitchell's father, Mario Romero, took the boy. An arrest warrant was issued for the elder Romero.

Now there are reports that the 3-year-old little boy has died. Police in Denver City tell NewsChannel 11 that there was a traffic accident in Ojinaga, Mexico; which is across the border from Presidio, Texas.

A lieutenant with the Denver City PD says, "We have reason to believe (Mitchell Romero) was killed in that accident. We are trying to confirm it was him."

Mitchell was travelling with other family members, not his father. There was some indication that those family members were bringing him back to the United States.