Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Thursday, October 15, 2009

DASTARDLY DADS FROM THE ARCHIVES (Melbourne, Australia - 1896)

Reading this article, I can't help but wonder what motivated the 14-year-old daughter to leave the home of her widower dad, WILLIAM ALFRED DALES, and "reside with a relative" instead. She obviously sensed on some level that Dad was pretty volatile and at least potentially violent, and that's why she refused to come back--a predilection that was proven true when Dad murdered the youngest children.

From the Brisbane Courier, Monday 17 February 1896



(By Telegraph from our Correspondent.)

Melbourne, February 16.

William Alfred Dales, painter and wallhanger, residing at Windsor, last night cut the throats of his children, a boy aged 5 and a girl aged 3. Dales is a widower, and the father of three children. About a month ago his eldest child, a girl aged 14 1/2 years, left her home and went to reside with a relative. Yesterday, her father urged her to return, but she refused. Dales's mind became unhinged and on his return home he killed his little ones.