Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dad kills son over dowry demands; village women then kill dad (Acolicoli, Uganda)

Dad LOGWATELE LONGOLE was apparently irked by his son's demands for dowry money so he could be married. So Dad stabbed the son to death. The women of the village were infuriated, and quickly mobilized so that justice would be done. They attacked the dad with stones and clubs and killed him. Not that I'm a big defender of violence against anybody. But if the killers of women and children knew that the community at large TRULY did not tolerate violence, I think we'd see some different results. And a salute to Uganda women who defend the innocent. Wish women in the west would show some similar backbone.

Boy killed over dowry
Friday, 16th October, 2009 E-mail article Print article


A Pokot father on Sunday stabbed his son to death in Moroto district before a group of village women descended on him, killing him instantly.

Logwatele Longole, a resident of Acolicoli village in Looro sub-county, stabbed his son, identified only as Lopejon, 25, in the abdomen. He died instantly.

Lopejo, had reportedly gone to his father, who is also a local councillor, on several occasions demanding for dowry to pay for a girl he wanted to marry.

The Looro sub-county LC3 vice-chairman, Mary Kizza, confirmed Lopejon’s death saying it infuriated the women.

“They mobilised quickly and attacked Logwatele with stones and clubs, killing him,” Kizza said.

Acting District Police commander Cox Apamaku, when contacted, said he was not aware of the murder.

“Certainly I’m not aware of the death of these people,” he said.

By press time, father and son had been buried in Acolicoli village.