Killler Dads and Custody Lists

Monday, October 19, 2009

Abuser dad who wanted custody murders mom, mom' mother; abandons crying 2-year-old at the scene (Peoria, Arizona)

Poor daddy GABRIEL SCHWARTZ was so misunderstood...he just wanted to spend time with his 2-year-old son! That's why he wanted custody! Oh, and that order of protection that mom took out against him? Obviously just a vile move on her part, and total lies! (So the FRs would tell us.)

Hmm. Except for just a little bitty problem: Mom's suspicions about Dad proved to be entirely correct since he murdered her, stripping the two-year-old son of his mother forever. So much for "shared" parenting. Oh, and Daddy loved his little boy so much, that we not only subjected him to a slaughterhouse of violence (3 people killed) but ABANDONED THE CHILD at the scene. That's showing the love, Daddy. Sure you were sincere in wanting custody, you POS....When will people finally get it--daddies who batter their children or the mothers of their children NEVER have the interests of the children in mind when they go for custody. It's just another avenue for further abuse and harrassment.

Hat tip to Joan for finding this.

Peoria Victims Engaged in Custody Battle
Updated: Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 7:04 PM MDT
Published : Sunday, 18 Oct 2009, 7:03 PM MDT

PEORIA, Ariz. - Friday morning, three people were found dead inside a Peoria home, along with a 2-year-old boy who was crying and unharmed.

Two of the victims were formerly a couple, police say. Dawn Axsom, 26, and 28-year-old Gabriel Schwartz apparently had broken up recently and were arguing over custody of their 2-year-old son. Axsom's mother, 56-year-old Lisa Braden, was also found dead inside the home.

Axsom had an order of protection against Schwartz.

Peoria Police say they were found by Axsom's coworkers, who had gone to check on her when she didn't show up for work.

Police say they are still trying to determine what happen. "We're not ready to confirm or release exactly what occurred inside that house, and the reason for that is, detectives in our violent crimes unit found some injuries to one of the victims that wasn't consistent with the other two," said police spokesperson Mike Tellef.

"Because of that, until we get a cause and manner of death given to us by the Maricopa County Medical Examiner's Office, we're on hold with our findings and what we're going to declare this."

Autopsy results are pending. The nature of the victim's injuries are not known, and police are still investigating.

The boy was placed in CPS custody on Friday.