It seems that nothing that Child Protective (or Protection) Services does any more (or fails to do) can surprise me anymore. Do they go out of their way to recruit idiots and incompetents? We don't know how to do basic checks on carers? Are you kidding me?
Hat tip to Anonymum for finding this.
Child placed in care of sex offender
ABC September 16, 2009, 4:05 pm
The Victorian Government has taken responsibility for failings in the state's child protection services that resulted in three children being cared for by sex offenders.
The ombudsman has identified cases where three children were either placed with, or left in, the care of a sex offender.
In one case, the Department of Human Services was repeatedly warned about the possibility of abuse to the child, but failed to act.
The ombudsman's annual report identifies numerous problems with Victoria's child protection services.
The ombudsman also found some DHS staff members do not know how to conduct basic checks on carers.
Premier John Brumby says he is deeply concerned by the ombudsman's findings, and steps will be taken to better protect children's interests.
"In the near future we will be announcing further initiatives and further policies to make sure that we don't have children that slip between the gaps and that children are given importance within the system and within Government that they rightfully deserve," he said.
Community Services Minister Lisa Neville says a full audit will be done.
"We do not want children placed in unsafe situations. That is why I've asked the secretary of the department to review each and every case, each and every child's case to ensure that no child has been placed in a situation where a police check has not been undertaken."
The Opposition's Mary Wooldridge says it shows the department is in crisis.
"This is a clear failure of the Government," she said.
"They've known about it for the last 10 years and they've failed to act and they've failed to protect Victoria's most vulnerable children."
The report says the DHS has reviewed the case in question and has improved training.